Object Oriented Programming Mid - II, April - 2012

1.To determine the width and height of an application which of the following method is used?
  • getWidthHeight()
  • setWidthHeight()
  • getSize()
  • setHeightWidth()
Answer: C
2.What are the applet’s lifecycle methods?
  • init(), start() and destroy()
  • init(), start() and paint()
  • init(), start(),paint(), stop() and destroy()
  • init(), start() and stop()
Answer: C
3.The default layout out of a JPanel is
  • FlowLayout
  • GridLayout
  • BorderLayout
  • default Layout
Answer: B
4.You should override the ___________ method to draw things on a Swing component.
  • repaint()
  • update()
  • paintComponent()
  • init()
Answer: C
5.Which method on a condition should you invoke to wake all waiting thread?
  • condition.wake();
  • condition.signal();
  • condition.wakeAll();
  • condition.signalAll();
Answer: D
6.The preferredSize property is ignored in
  • FlowLayout
  • GridLayout
  • BorderLayout
  • For any layout
Answer: B
7.You can use the _______ method to force one thread to wait for another thread to finish.
  • sleep(long milliseconds)
  • yield()
  • stop()
  • join()
Answer: D
8.Which of the following statement is not defined in the Object class?
  • sleep(long milliseconds)
  • wait()
  • notify()
  • notifyAll()
Answer: A
9.Which of the following objects are input to the paint() method?
  • canvas
  • graphics
  • paint
  • image
Answer: B
10.Which cannot directly cause a thread to stop executing?
  • Calling a yield method
  • Calling the start method on another thread object
  • Calling the notify method on object
  • Calling wait method on an object
Answer: C
11.An instance of _______________ are unchecked exceptions.
Answer: runtime exceptions
12.The ___________ interface should be implemented to listen for a button action event.
Answer: action listener
13.________________ cannot be shared by a GUI component.
Answer: GUI component
14.An application responds to an exception by throwing an another exception is called as ___________.
Answer: Chained exceptions
15.___________ is the region where the code that needs to be executed under circumstances is written.
Answer: Finally
16._______________ is an independent path of execution in a program.
Answer: Thread
17.With _________________ many threads share the same object instance.
Answer: Runnable interface
18.A program that a java enabled browser can download and run is a ____________.
Answer: Applet
19._____________ method is called on calling the repaint method.
Answer: update
20.____________ is the process of confining paint operations to a limited area or shape.
Answer: clipping