Numerical Methods Mid - I, September - 2014

1.δ = _____________
  • E-E-2
  • E1/2- E-1/2
  • E+E-1
  • E1/2+ E-1/2
Answer: B
2.The order of convergence of Newton-Raphson method is
  • 1
  • 3
  • 0
  • 2
Answer: D
3.If a polynomial of degree n has more than n zeros, then the polynomial is
  • Oscillatory
  • Zero every where
  • Quadratic
  • not defined
Answer: B
4.Gauss forward interpolation formula is used to interpolate the values of y for p range of ________________
  • -α<p<0
  • 0<p< -α
  • -1<p<0
  • 0<p<1
Answer: D
5.If x3 -x-4=0, by Bisection method first two approximations x0 and x1 are 1 and 2 then x2 is
  • 1.25
  • 2.0
  • 1.75
  • 1.5
Answer: D
6.Geometrically the roots of an equation are the abscissa of the points where the graph y= f(x) cuts
_________________________ axis
  • x- axis
  • y –axis
  • A & B
  • None
Answer: A
7.If y=ax+b then 2nd normal equation of the curve is Σxiyi =
  • an + b Σxi
  • na + b Σxi2
  • aΣxi + b Σxi2
  • bΣxi + a Σxi2
Answer: D
8.The following data
x 1 20 30 40
y 1 400 800 1300
is regressed with least squares regression to y= a0 + a1x. The value of a1 most nearly is
  • 27.482
  • 28.956
  • 32.625
  • 40.00
Answer: C
9.The rate of convergence of Gauss- Seidel method is ______ than that of Jacobi’s method
  • 3 times
  • 4 times
  • 5 times
  • 2 times
Answer: D
10.The Rank of a singular matrix of order 3 is
  • ≤ 1
  • ≤ 2
  • ≤ 3
  • None
Answer: B
11.An algebraic equation of 2nd degree represents a _______________________
Answer: parabola
12.The symbol   is called the _______________________ operator
Answer: backward difference
13.The process of finding the value of y for some value of x outside the given range is called __________
Answer: Extrapolation
14.Gauss seidel method is better than gauss Jacobi method because_______________
Answer: unknowns at each stage of iteration are used in proceeding to the next state (OR)
the convergence in Gauseseidel method is more rapid than GaussJacobi method
15._______ are two indirect methods to solve a system of linear equations.
Answer: Gauss Jacobi and GaussSeidel method
16.The system of equations x + y+ z =6; x+y+3z=10; x+y+3z=5 has _______________ solution
Answer: no solution
17.Δ4 y0 = _______________________________(in terms of ordinates)
Answer: y4 – 4y3 + 6y2 – 4y1 +y0
18.To fit a Straight line equation for given ‘n’ data points, The first normal equation is Σy=_______
Answer: b Σx + na
19.The method of constructing the exact solution when the system is upper triangular is called method of ___
Answer: Backward substitution
20.The operator D is defined as D y(x) = ___________________
Answer: d(y(x)) /dx or d/dx(y(x))