Non-Ferrous Extractive Metallurgy Mid - I, September - 2014

1.Copper ores are mainly concentrated by _______
  • Jigging
  • Flotation
  • Tabling
  • Magnetic separation
Answer: B
2.Matte smelting is adopted incase of ores of _______
  • Copper
  • Zinc
  • Lead
  • Aluminium
Answer: A
3.Chemical formula for sphalarite is _______
  • CuS
  • PbS
  • ZnS
  • FeS2
Answer: C
4.Leaching of roasted zinc ore is done with _________
  • HCl
  • H2SO4
  • HNO3
  • H2O2
Answer: B
5.Park’s process is used for _________
  • Removal of silver from copper
  • Removal of arsenic from copper
  • Removal of arsenic from lead
  • Removal of silver from lead
Answer: D
6.Lead ores are roasted in __________
  • Up draught Dwight-Lloyd sintering machine
  • Down draught Dwight-Lloyd sintering machine
  • Reverberatory machine
  • Electric arc furnace (EAF)
Answer: A
7.Bayer process is used for ___________
  • Purification of Al2O3
  • Reduction of Al2O3
  • Refining of Al
  • Calcination of Al2O3
Answer: A
8.Anode effect occurs in the extraction of __________
  • Copper
  • Zinc
  • Lead
  • Aluminium
Answer: D
9.Spelter is a concentrate of ___________
  • Copper
  • Zinc
  • Lead
  • Aluminium
Answer: B
10.Fused salt electrolysis is carried out in case of __________
  • Copper
  • Zinc
  • Lead
  • Aluminium
Answer: D
11.Flux in bessemerising of copper matte is __________
Answer: Silica or SiO2
12.Both roasting and smelting is done in _____________ process of copper extraction.
Answer: Flash smelting
13.Preheated charge at _________ °C is used in zinc smelting blast furnace.
Answer: 800°C
14.Zinc ores are smelted in _____________ furnace.
Answer: Imperial smelting or Blast furnace
15.Lead blast furnace slag consists mainly of __________
Answer: FeO.SiO2 or Iron silicate
16.Poling is a purification process is used for ____________ metal.
Answer: Copper (Cu)
17.Al(OH)3 is converted into Al2O3 by ________________
Answer: Calcination
18.Bayer’s process is not suitable when high amounts of __________ is present.
Answer: Silica or SiO2
19.The chemical formula for galena is __________
Answer: PbS
20.WORCRA process is a continuous production of ____________
Answer: Copper (Cu)