Mine System Engineering Mid - I, September - 2014
1.The graphical method of linear programming problem uses
Objective function equation
Constraints equation
Linear equations
all of the above
Answer: D
2.While solving a LP problem, infeasibility may be removed by
Adding another constraint
Adding another variable
Removing a constraint
Removing a variable
Answer: C
3.An assignment problem can be solved by
simple method
Transportation method
both a&b
None of the above
Answer: C
4.The method used for solving an assignment problem is
Reduced matrix method
MODI method
Hungarian method
None of the above
Answer: B
5.The minimum processing time on machine and are related as,
Mint1j = Maxt2j
Mint1j ≤ Maxt2j
Mint1j ≥ Maxt2j
Mint2j ≥ Maxt1j
Answer: C
6.Total elapsed time to process all jobs through two processes is given by
none of the above
Answer: B
7.A mixed strategy game can be solved by
Algebraic method
matrix method
Graphical method
all of the above
Answer: D
8.Game theory models are classified by the
Number of players
sum of players
Number of strategies
all of the above
Answer: D
9.Game theory is the study of
Selecting optimal strategies
resolving conflict between players
Both (a) & (b)
all of the above
Answer: A
10.Which of the following is an assumption of an LP model Divisibility
all of the above
Answer: D
11.If two variables always take on values which are in the same proportion, the variables are ------------- related.
Answer: Linearly
Answer: Parameters ;unknown
13.If the value of the variables are under the control of decision markers then variables are said to be-----------otherwise---------------
Answer: Controllable; un controllable
14.The northwest corner rule provides a ----------- for obtaining an -------- solution to the transportation problem.
Answer: Mechanism; initial
15.An improvement index in the transportation method is an analogous to a value in the quantity column in the ------------method.
Answer: Simplex
16.The degeneracy may occurs when there are two or more cells with the same smallest ---------value in a closed ------------- for an incoming cell.
Answer: Negative; path
17.If the total supply ------------- total demand, then an additional column known as ----------- added to the transportation table to absorb the same.
Answer: Exceed; dummy demand center
18.The pure strategy on the only course of action that is --------------- being chosen by a player.
Answer: Any
19.The ---------------- is used to determine the probability of using different strategies by both the players.
Answer: Algebraic method
20.The -------------- method is useful for game with larger pay off matrix without saddle point.
Answer: LP