Mine Surveying - I Mid - I, September - 2014
1.Which of the following conventional methods of surveying would result in the most accurate plan
chain/tape triangulation
traverse survey with theodolite
tacheometric survey with theodolite
thedolite triangulation
Answer: A
2.Which of the following conventional methods of surveying is commonly used for preparation of contour plans
chain/tape triangulation
traverse survey with theodolite
heodolite triangulation
tacheometric survey with theodolite
Answer: B
3.Shrinkage factor is the ratio b/w
shrinkage length to actual length
actual length to shrinkage length
actual length to shrinkage scale
Answer: A
4.True distance=
(incorrect length/correctlength)×measured distance
(correct length/incorrectlength)×measured distance
Answer: A
5.True length=
(RF of wrong scale/RF of correct scale)×measured length
(RF of correct scale/RF of wrong scale)×measured length
Answer: A
6.The longest of the chain lines used in making a survey is generally regarded as
triangular line
base line
tie line
offset line
Answer: B
7.Preliminary inspection of the area to be surveyed is called
Answer: B
8.The art of determining the relative heights or elevations of points or objects on the earth surface is known as
Answer: A
9.Which of the following is not a level
dumpy level
wye leve
tilting leve
miners level
Answer: D
10.Pick out the disadvantage for plane tabling
suitable for preparing small scale maps
it is most rapid
not suitable for work in wet climate
contours and irregular objects may be represented accurately
Answer: C
11.It is a minor instrument capable of measuring angles upto 120* and reads to 1minute___________________
Answer: box sextant
12.Theodolite can measure angles __________________ and ____________________
Answer: horizontal,vertical or vertical,horizontal
13.The tape that is used for measuring base line in triangulation to get highest precision is________________
Answer: invar tapes
14.A tape 100m is held 1.5m out of line.what is the true length____________________
Answer: 99.98
15.The horizontal angle b/w true meridian and a line is_________________
Answer: azimuth
16.It is a graphical method of surveying in which the field work and plotting are done simultaneously__________________
Answer: plane tabling
17.In work of ordinary precisions the type of error that is negligible is_________________
Answer: natural error
18.The leveling in which the change in atmospheric pressure is recorded is known as____________
Answer: barometric levelling
19.__________________is defined as the fixed reference point of known elevation
Answer: bench mark
20.The inclination of a bed from horizontal dip observed in any direction and necessarily lesser than the full dip is_______________
Answer: apparent dip