Microbiology Mid - I, September - 2014

1.Germ theory of disease was proposed by
  • Holmes
  • Jenner
  • Robert Koch
  • woese
Answer: C
2.Cell wall is completely absent in one of the following microbes
  • Fungi
  • Chlamydias
  • Rickettsias
  • Mycoplasmas
Answer: D
3.One of the following belongs to Archaea bacteria
  • Entamoeba
  • Sulfoloblus
  • Plasmodium
  • Mycobacterium
Answer: B
4.The type of colonies E.Coli formson Maconkys Agar
  • Green
  • Golden yellow
  • Pink
  • Creamy yellow
Answer: C
5.Bacteria which cause retting
  • Paramecium
  • Clostridium
  • Nitrosomonas
  • Pseudomonas
Answer: B
6.Ergotin is derived from
  • Claviceps
  • Puccinia
  • Paramecium
  • Nostoc
Answer: A
7.Peptidoglycan is absent in
  • Spirilla
  • E.coli
  • Diplococcus
  • Halo bacterium
Answer: D
8.Starch hydrolysis is catalyzed by the enzyme
  • Zymase
  • Amylase
  • Catalase
  • Gyrase
Answer: B
9.One of the following is a primary stain of Gram staining
  • Saffranin
  • Methyl blue
  • Fuschin
  • Crystal violet
Answer: D
10.The medium is used to isolate Gram negative lactose fermenting bacteria
  • Blood Agar
  • Mac Conkeys Agar
  • Phenyl ethanol
  • CNA Agar
Answer: B
11.Heterocysts are seen in _________________ bacteria
Answer: Cyano
12.Counter stain used in Gram staining is _____________________
Answer: Saffranin
13.Halophiles live in __________________ condition
Answer: Marine
14.Cyanobacteria are Gram _________________
Answer: Gram negative
15._____________________ Ribosomes are seen in bacteria
Answer: 70 S
16.Rhizopoda possess ______________________
Answer: Pseudopodia
17.Cell wall material of bacteria is ________________________
Answer: Peptidoglycan
18.Muramic acid cell wall is present in __________________________
Answer: Rickettsias
19.The chemical used to intensify the stain is called _____________________
Answer: Mordant
20.Rhizobium is a ________________________________ bacteria
Answer: N2 Fixing bacteria