Mechanical Vibrations and Structural Dynamics Mid - I, September - 2014

1.The oscillation of a simple pendulum is an example of
  • Free vibrations
  • forced vibrations
  • damped vibrations
  • None
Answer: A
2.Resonance occurs when The force frequency is ________ natural frequency
  • Less than
  • Greater than
  • Equal to
  • None
Answer: C
3.The angle between the relative vectors represent in SHM of the same frequency is ______difference
  • Phase difference
  • partial difference
  • Vector difference
  • None
Answer: A
4.In a spring mass system of stiffness k and mass m, the natural frequency is
  • wn=sqrt(m/k)
  • wn=sqrt(k/m)
  • wn=sqrt(km)
  • none
Answer: B
5.The damping factor is equal to one the system is said to be
  • under damping
  • Over damping
  • Critical damping
  • None
Answer: C
6.Vibrometers are used ______ type of damping
  • Fluid dash pot
  • Eddy Current
  • Dry friction or coulomb
  • None
Answer: B
7.A system has two degrees of freedom can vibrate in two principle modes of vibration has _______ natural frequencies
  • Four
  • one
  • Three
  • Two
Answer: D
8.The region where isolation is really effective when ω/ωn is large
  • Damping controlled
  • Spring Controlled
  • Mass Controlled
  • None
Answer: C
9.Un-damped dynamic vibration absorber is
  • Frahm’s Vibration absorber
  • Centrifugal pendulum absorber
  • Bifilar suspension absorber
  • None
Answer: A
10.A typical Isolation mounts that are generally used for primary machinery, saw machinery, Transformers and wood working machines
  • Steel Spring
  • Pad Mounts
  • Elastomeric Mounts
  • None
Answer: B
11.The maximum displacement of a vibrating body from its mean position is _____________
Answer: Amplitude
12.Trifilar suspension is used to find _______________
Answer: Moment of Inertia
13.____________ principle states that a body which can be bought to static equilibrium by introducing its inertia force which can be considered to be an extra external force.
Answer: D’Alembert
14.The ratio of damping coefficient to the critical damping coefficient is ______________
Answer: Damping ratio
15.A _______________ Method is often used to find the amount of damping in a physical system.
Answer: Logarithmic Decrement
16.A six cylinder engine working on four stroke cylinder of certain number of distributing torque has the order number is _______________
Answer: Three
17.A continuous systems are considered to be ______________ degrees of freedom systems.
Answer: Infinite
18.If the two spring of stiffness k1 and k2 arranged in parallel manner then the equivalent stiffness K is ____________
Answer: k1+k2
19.Velocity pick-ups vibration measuring instrument is known as_____________
Answer: Accelero meter
20.The ratio of steady state amplitude to the zero frequency deflection is known as_____________
Answer: Magnification Factor