Linux Programming Mid - II, November - 2014

1.Which are used by shell commands to pass data from one shell pipe to another without Temporary files.
  • Pipe
  • FIFO
  • message Queue
  • shared memory
Answer: B
2.__ allow processes to exchange formatted data on the same machine.
  • Pipe
  • FIFO
  • message Queue
  • shared memory
Answer: C
3.This provides a method to synchronize the execution of multiple processes.
  • Semaphore
  • FIFO C) message Queue D) shared memory
Answer: A
4.Which API is used to change or query semaphore.
  • Semop
  • Semget
  • Semctl
  • None
Answer: A
5.Named pipes are known as __.
  • pipe
  • shared memory
  • FIFO
  • Unknown
Answer: C
6.Shared memory is stored in ___ address space.
  • User
  • Kernel
  • Virtual
  • All
Answer: B
7.Most UNIX applications are __ threaded programs.
  • Multiple
  • Single
  • Two
  • none
Answer: B
8.A process may create one or more threadsthat are permanently bound to LWP are ___.
  • Real threads
  • POSIX threads
  • Bound Threads
  • Unbounded threads
Answer: C
9.Processes that are running on different machine can communicate using _______.
  • Socket
  • Shared memory
  • Message Queue
  • FIFO
Answer: A
10.A ___ defines the socket address format and the underlying protocol to use.
  • Port no
  • Network
  • Socket
  • Domain
Answer: D
11._____________ header file defines structure ipc data that store.
Answer: # include<sys/ipc.h>
12.________________ API is used to manipulate the control data of a message queue.
Answer: Msgctrl()
13.There can be _____________ shared memory regions existing in a given system at any time.
Answer: Multiple
14.Prototype of shmdt API is _________________________.
Answer: Intshmdt( void * addr)
15.Locking files can be done using _____________________.
Answer: Semaphores
16.______________ Variables are used to block the threads.
Answer: Conditional
17.To exit a thread in POSIX _______________ API is used.
Answer: Pthread_exit
18.________________ sockets communicate in p eer to peer manner.
Answer: Connection less
19._____________ specifies the number of pending clients messages that can be queued for a server.
Answer: Listen
20.Larger the priority number the ____________ frequently a thread is schedule to run.
Answer: More