Java Programming Mid - II, November - 2014

1.following method in the thread class is not deprecated
  • yield
  • stop
  • resume
  • suspend
Answer: A
2..__________method to force one thread to wait for another thread to finish
  • slep
  • stop
  • join
  • sleep
Answer: C
3.An instance of ______ describes the errors caused by your program and external circumstances can be caught and handled by the program.
  • Runtime exception
  • Exception
  • Error
  • throw able
Answer: B
4.A java exception is an instance_________.
  • Runtime exception
  • Exception
  • Error
  • throw able
Answer: D
5.The Interface __________ should be implemented to listen for a button.
  • MouseListener
  • ActionListener
  • FocusListener
  • WindowListener
Answer: A
6.Every object has the ____________ method.
  • get Source
  • get Action Command
  • get Time Stamp
  • get When
Answer: A
7.To use no layout manager in a container c, use_____________.
  • c.setLayout
  • c.setLayout (new NullLayout )
  • c.setLayout (null)
  • c.setLayout (Null Layout)
Answer: C
8.The preferred Size property is ignored in ______________Layout.
  • Grid
  • Border
  • Flow
  • Any
Answer: A
9._________ Layout put a flexible spring around a component.
  • Grid
  • Border
  • Flow
  • Spring
Answer: D
10.A Java program cannot directly communicate with an ODBC driver because ODBC written in which language _______.
  • C
  • Basic
  • c#
  • c++
Answer: B
11.A JMenuItem is a subclass of ______________
Answer: AbstractButton
12._________are referred to as heavy weight components.
Answer: AWT components
13.__________ component cannot be added to a container.
Answer: JFrame
14.The data in DefaultListModel are stored in________.
Answer: vector
15.The _________method executes a simple query and returns a single Result Set Object.
Answer: ExecuteQuery
16.____________ method can be used to temporarily to release time for other threads.
Answer: Yield
17.The keyword to synchronize methods in java is_________________.
Answer: synchronized
18.___________ method is not defined in object class
Answer: sleep
19.To be a listener for ActionEvent, an object must be an instance of__________.
Answer: ActionListener
20.__________is a property of JApplet.
Answer: contentPane