Ground Water Development and Management Mid - II, November - 2014
1.Which one of the following methods is used in ground water investigation? [ ] a. Electrical resistivity methods b. Seismic reflection methods c.Seismic refraction methods d. remote sensing
a,b and c
a,c and d
a,b and d
All the above
Answer: C
2.Artificial recharge projects are designed to serve the purposes like
Localized subsurface storage
Operation of surface and Ground Water Reservoirs
Augmentation of natural Ground Water as an economic resource
all of the above
Answer: D
3.If the depth of the Ground Water table above mean sea level is 5m, Sp. gravity of sea water is 1.025 and sp. gravity of fresh water is 1.00, then the depth of interface below mean sea level is
Answer: B
4.Gamma ray technique is used in ____________ logging
Radio-active logging
Sonic logging
Fluid logging
Induction logging
Answer: A
5.Sea water intrusion can be controlled by
Decreasing the ground water extraction
Artificial recharge
Constructing sub surface barrier parallel to the coast
All the above
Answer: D
6.Benefits of conjunctive use are
Prevent water logging
effective flood control
Optimum utilization of water resources
all of the above
Answer: D
7.Deep tube wells in soft alluviums can be best drilled by
Rotary drilling rigs
Percussion drilling rigs
Down the hammer rigs
none of the above
Answer: A
8.The rate at which water can be drawn perennially under specified operating conditions known as
Perennial yield
Mining yield
differed yield
none of the above
Answer: A
9.Method of installing well screens is influenced by the
Design of the well
Drilling method
Problem encountered during drilling
All the above
Answer: D
10.Geological Survey of India (GSI) headquarters located in
New Delhi
Answer: B
11.Imaginary lines of equal resistivity of sub surface are known as ________________
Answer: Iso resistivity lines
12.The interface relation between fresh water and salt water is given by _______________
Answer: Gybes-Herzberg
13.The shape of sea water and fresh water interface is
Answer: Parabola
14.Apparent resistivity equation given by Wenner (with usual notation) ______________

15.Rising of fresh water –salt water interface below the well in response to the pressure reduction on the interface due to draw down of the ground water table around the well is known as __________________
Answer: Up coning
16.The phenomenon in which pumping in a well causing the fresh water – salt water interface to rise below the well in response to the pressure reduction due to the drawdown of groundwater is known as ________________
Answer: Up coning
17.Photographs of the earth taken from satellite at various electromagnetic wave length ranges is known as ________________
Answer: Remote sensing
18.In groundwater exploration using remote sensing _____________ method is employed
Answer: Infra-red photography
19.GIS stands for ________________
Answer: Geographical information system
20.The phenomenon that the fresh water – salt water interface is not sharp but is represented by a narrower or wider transition zone ___________
Answer: Dispersion