Ground Water Development and Management Mid - I, September - 2014

1.Darcy’s law can be written as
  • v = -k(h- h1)/ L
  • v = +k(h- h1)/ L
  • v = -k(h- h2)/ L
  • v = +k(h- h2)/ L
Answer: A
2.Specific yield (%) for sand is
  • 1-10
  • 10-30
  • 15-30
  • 5-15
Answer: B
3.In Jacob’s method plots are made on
  • normal graph
  • straight line graph
  • logarithmic graph
  • semi logarithmic graph
Answer: D
4.Ground water utilization for Indian civilization sector is
  • 1,43,500
  • 4,600
  • 1,900
  • 1,50,000
Answer: A
5.The process by which water in the soul is entered to the atmosphere by plants is called as
  • evaporation
  • transportation
  • run off
  • infiltration
Answer: B
6.The total for well interference is given by ST = .
  • S- S2 - ....... - Sn
  • S1 + S2 + ...... + Sn
  • S- S2 + ....... - Sn
  • S+ S2 - ....... + Sn
Answer: B
7.The maximum rate of discharge can be
  • pumping test
  • Recuperation test
  • jacobs test
  • The is test
Answer: B
8.Darcy’s law is when the ground water flow condition is
  • laminar
  • titbulent
  • either A or B
  • none of the above
Answer: A
9.Which of the following formation does not containing any ground water is
  • Aquitarad
  • Aquifuge
  • Aquifer
  • Aquiclude
Answer: B
10.Water existing on capillary zone is a part of
  • Vadose water
  • grond water
  • Phreatic water
  • gravity water
Answer: C
11.The unconfined aquifer’s also known as _________________________ aquifer.
Answer: Water table
12.The aquifer is ____________________ and ________________ .
Answer: Homogeneous, Isotropic
13.The sum of the values of specific yield specific retention gives the value of ________________ .
Answer: Porosity
14.The permeability is ____________________ at all points.
Answer: Same
15.The non-equilibrium equations can be used to determine the _________________ .
Answer: Storage coefficient
16.Boulton’s time factor is given by _______________
Answer: t = 5.0Sy.b/K
17.The effect of gravity drainage becomes small with time of _______________
Answer: Pumping
18.The discharge per unit draw down at a well is termed as _______________________
Answer: Specific capacity
19.Storage coefficient is the same as _____________________ water table aquifer.
Answer: Specific yield
20.Specific retention of ground water is larger in ________________ soil.
Answer: Fine grained