Fundamentals of Enzyme Mechanism and Technology Mid - I, September - 2014

1.Inactive protein component of an enzyme is termed as
  • Holoenzyme
  • cofactor
  • coenzyme
  • apoenzyme
Answer: D
2.Enzymes that catalyze the non-hydrolytic removal of groups from substance often leaving double bonds are
  • Lyases
  • ligases
  • lipases
  • isomerases
Answer: A
3.The difference between energy levels of the ground state and transition state is Called
  • Activation energy
  • standard free energy
  • equilibrium constant
  • None of the above.
Answer: A
4.A system is at equilibrium and no net change can take place if ΔG I
  • Negative
  • positive
  • zero
  • one
Answer: C
5.Identify a cation exchanger
  • Carboxy methyl cellulose
  • diethylaminoethyl cellulose
  • zinc hydroxide
  • butanol
Answer: A
6.Different enzymes catalyzing identical reactions are
  • Coenzymes
  • apoenzymes
  • co-factors
  • isoenzymes
Answer: D
7.Substrates A and B will fit into enzymes E but not substrate C is an example for
  • Lyases
  • lock and key mechanism
  • strain model
  • transition state stabilization
Answer: D
8.Synthesis by condensation of two groups requiring ATP is carried out by
  • Ligases
  • hydrolases
  • transferases
  • lyases
Answer: B
9.The first enzyme isolated, purified and crystallized from jack bean by summner in 1926
  • Urease
  • Insulin
  • Ribonuclease
  • Zymase.
Answer: A
10.One of the enzyme regulating glycolysis is
  • Phosophofructokinase
  • Hosphotriose isomerase
  • Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
  • Phosphohexose isomerase
Answer: A
11.Enzymatic reactions may have several steps involving the formation and decay of transient chemical species called ___________________
Answer: Reaction Intermediates
12.Removal of a group from substrate is done by___________________
Answer: Lyses
13.The region in the enzyme which contain the binding and catalytic sites is termed as_____________
Answer: Active site
14._______________is the PH at which a particular molecule or surface carries no net electrical charge.
Answer: Isoelectric point
15.The favored model for the enzyme –substrae interaction is the ____________________
Answer: Induced fit model
16._______________ involves the substrate forming a transient covalent bond with residues in the active site or with a co factor.
Answer: Covalent catalysis
17.1 enzyme unit (U) =_______________________
Answer: 1μmolmin-1
18.___________________is the activity of an enzyme per milligram of total protein .
Answer: Specific activity
19.An ___________________ is an enzyme that is attached to an inert insoluble material.
Answer: Immobilized enzyme
20.______________________are the structural unit that make up proteins.
Answer: Amino acids