Formal Languages and Automata Theory Mid - II, April - 2012
1.CFG is not closed under
kleene star
Answer: C
2.Context free languages are closed under “inverse homomorphism” is ________
true or false
can’t say
Answer: A
3.Deterministic push down automaton:
Recursively enumerable language
Answer: D
4.Any TM is more powerful than finite state machine because
Tape movement is confined to one direction
It has no finite state control
It has the capability to remember arbitrary long inputs symbols
TM is not powerful than FSM
Answer: C
5.The grammar S -> aAb, A -> aAb|a is
Answer: A
6.Turing machine is ___________
Recursively enumerable language
Answer: A
7.The language [wwr] is accepted by _________
DPDA not by a NPDA
NPDA not by a DPDA
cannot say
Answer: C
8.If S number is the number of states in NDFA for an input string of length n is
linear in n
polynomial in n
exponential in n
depending on automata
Answer: A
9.Any Turing machine with m symbols and n states can be simulated by another TM with just 2 s
Symbols and less than
8mn states
4mn + 8 states
8mn + 4 states
mn states
Answer: D
10.A regular language is also known as __________ languages.
Type 0
Type 1
Type 2
Type 3
Answer: D
11.A production of the form A -> B A, B T is called ___________ production.
Answer: Unit
12.Context sensitive language is also known as ___________ language.
Answer: Type 1
13.A ____________ problem is a problem to which all the NP problems are polynomially reducible.
Answer: NP hard
14.A CFL for which every CFL is ambiguous is said to be a _____________ ambiguous CFL.
Answer: Inherently
15.The class of unrestricted language corresponds to _________________.
Answer: Turing machine
16.In transition diagram for the Turing machines, the final state is represented by ________.
Answer: Double circled
17.In the notation of Turing machine by 7 tuple , the symbol δ is denoted as __________.
Answer: Transition function
18.In the notation of Turing machine by 7 tuple , the finite set of states is denoted by symbol ____.
Answer: Σ
19.A problem whose language is recursive is said to be ______________.
Answer: Undecidable
20.A class of problems called __________ if there is solution of one decision problem from that family then there will be solution for each and every decision problem from that family.
Answer: NP-complete