Experimental Aerodynamics Mid - I, September - 2014
1.First photographic record of aerodynamic flight was obtained by
Otto Lilienthal
Wright brothers
George Cayley
Perci Pitcher
Answer: A
2.A blow down supersonic tunnel requires an intake drier to prevent _________ in the test section.
Answer: B
3.The object of vanes is to apply a force on the flow perpendicular to the ______
Stream function
adverse gradient
free stream
pressure gradient
Answer: A
4.Fans develop their highest efficiency when in a relatively _____
low speed flow
high speed flow
transonic flow
hypersonic flow
Answer: B
5.Buoyancy artificially increases the _________
Answer: B
6.Streamline curvature effect in wind tunnel boundary connection is accounted for by a series of mirror images of a
Uniform flow
both a & b
Answer: C
7.Path lines, streak lines & streamlines coincide when the flow is
nearly inviscid
unsteady & laminar
steady & laminar
Answer: B
8.In a closed duct this means that the airspeed outside the wake must be V for a constant mass flow rate.
Smaller than
equal to
larger than
both a & c
Answer: C
9.In a shock tunnel high pressure region and low region is separated by a ___________ which burst and causes a shock
Sheet of balsa
Answer: D
10.For the first time _____________ used wind tunnel for testing the airfoil sections.
otto lilienthal
wright brothers
George summon
Answer: B
11.____________has is used a whirling Arm to measure the drag & lift on airfoils, the first successful unmanned glider in 1804.
Answer: George Cayley
12.In a spin test tunnel the velocity profile has a _____________gradient.
Answer: Dish shaped
13.The _____________must be between 0.8 and 0.9 of the wind tunnel’s width, leading to a width of around 3 mts.
Answer: Span
14.In a diffuser ____________decreases with in increase______________, causing an adverse pressure gradient .
Answer: Airspeed , static pressure
15.The corner loss coefficient is defined as________________________.
Answer: Efficiency= delta[p]/dynamic pressure
16.The longitudinal pressure gradient is given by _________________
Answer: dp/dl = -k(

17.Wind tunnel ______________is caused by the fact that the boundary layer grows on the walls of the working section.
Answer: Buoyancy
18.In order to correct for “horizontal buoyancy” Glauert gave a formula in which the stream wise pressure gradient is proportional to _______________
Answer: Dynamic pressure.
19.The rectangular passage between two corner vanes in a low speed tunnel should have an aspect ratio ______________
Answer: >= 6
20.The _______________effect can also be corrected using an increment in the effective airspeed.
Answer: Wake blockage