Environmental Studies Mid - II, April - 2012

1.CFG is not closed under
  • Union
  • kleene star
  • complementation
  • product
Answer: C
2.Context free languages are closed under “inverse homomorphism” is ________
  • True
  • false
  • true or false
  • can’t say
Answer: A
3.Deterministic push down automaton:
  • RL
  • CFL
  • Recursively enumerable language
  • DCFL
Answer: D
4.Any TM is more powerful than finite state machine because
  • Tape movement is confined to one direction
  • It has no finite state control
  • It has the capability to remember arbitrary long inputs symbols
  • TM is not powerful than FSM
Answer: C
5.Taj Mahal at Agra may be damaged by
  • Ozone depletion
  • Acid rain
  • CO2 Pollution
  • CO pollution
Answer: A
6.In the 20th Century, the global mean temperature has increased by about
  • 0.9 degree cente grades
  • 0.6 degree cente grades
  • 0.8 degree cente grades
  • 1.0 degree cente grades
Answer: B
7.Specifications of surface drainage for reclamation of wastelands are
  • 30 – 45 m Deep
  • 50 m Deep
  • 10 – 15 m Deep
  • None of the above
Answer: A
8.Forest conservation act was amended during the year
  • 1970
  • 1985
  • 1988
  • 1982
Answer: C
9.ELISA test is used to detect
  • Malaria
  • AIDS
  • Cholera
  • Tuberculosis
Answer: B
10.Study of trends in human population growth and prediction of future growth is called
  • Demography
  • Biography
  • Kalography
  • Pschography
Answer: A
11.Pollutants means: __________________________
Answer: Materials or factors which cause adverse effect on natural quantities
12.____________ are some important air pollutants released from thermal power plants
Answer: Sulphur & Nitrogen oxides
13.Excess of fluorine in drinking water causes ___________________
Answer: teeth deformity, hardening of bones, stiff and painful joints
14.____________________ some green house gases
Answer: CO2, CH4, N2O,CFC,O3,H2o
15.Bye – products of acid rain are _______________________
Answer: Sulphuric acid and Nitric acid
16.Environmental protection act came in the year ________ and amended in ______________
Answer: 1986 & 1994
17.____________ protection act does not have any locally evolved conservation measures.
Answer: Wild life
18.More developed countries have _____________ fertility states
Answer: Lower
19.Highest concentration of people with HIV infection have been recorded from _____________________
Answer: Africa
20.Thinning of stratospheric ozone layer during the spring time is called __________________
Answer: Ozone hole