Engineering Physics Mid - I, January - 2015
1.In an ionic bond the nature of bonding is spherical charge distribution, so it is
Answer: B
2.Which of the properties are consisted for the Ionic crystals?
They are easily soluble in Polar Solvent like (H2O)
Their solution conduct electricity
They are rigid and possess high melting point
Answer: D
3.In a hydrogen bonding of H2O molecule, the negatively charged end of the one molecule will be weakly attracted to the positively charged end of the another molecule because
The charges are small
The charge transfer is small
The charge transfer is higher
Answer: B
4.Space lattice is an _________
Arrangement of all atoms
Only geometrical arrangement of lattice point.
Arrangement of atoms with basis.
Answer: B
5.Pick the correct option for triclinic or asymmetric crystal structure
a ≠ b ≠ c, α ≠ β ≠ ν ≠ 900
a = b = c, α = β = ν = 900.
a = b ≠ c, α = β ≠ ν ≠ 900.
a ≠ b = c, α ≠ β = ν ≠ 900.
Answer: A
6.The condition for the diffraction is that the wave length of the radiation should be
Less than ‘d’
Greater than ‘d’
Equal to ‘d’
Independent on ‘d’
Answer: B
7.The continuous X-rays are used in the following method
Debye-Scherrer’s method
Powder method
Laue method
Answer: C
8.Laue method is used for the determination of
Crystal structure
Electron charge distribution
Unit cell
Values of primitives
Answer: B
9.When Frankel defects are formed in the crystal, the density of the crystal
No change
depends on temperature
Answer: C
10.In a crystal, if a closed Burger’s circuit is formed, it means
Defected crystal
Completely damaged crystal
Partially defective
Ideal crystal
Answer: D
11.The bond present in diamond is ________
Answer: Covalent bond
12.The equation, which is resultant for attraction and repulsion in the formation of bond is ___________

13.If a plane is parallel to one of the crystallographic axes, then the plane intersects that axis at infinity and the miller indices along that direction is ____
Answer: zero
14.The given equation for the ratio of miller indices d100:d110:d111= √6: √3: √2 which represents ___________ cubic
Answer: Simple
15.The Bragg’s law equation 2dSinθ=nλ is formed with waves which can meet the condition of _______________ interference
Answer: Constructive
16.X-rays of wavelength 1.541 Å are diffracted by (111) planes in a crystal at an angle 30° in the first order. Then the inter-planar spacing d = _____ Å.
Answer: 2.67
17.Substitutional defects are will be forming when ____ pairs are missed
Answer: ion
18.Ionization energy of the sodium atom & electron affinity of the Chlorine atom is ____ eV respectively.
Answer: 5.1 & 3.6
19.Schottky & Frankel defects are called as _______ defect
Answer: Intrinsic
20.If Burger vector is perpendicular to the dislocation line then it is _________ dislocation.
Answer: Edge