Engineering Mechanics Mid - I, January - 2015
1.The resultant of two forces P and Q acting at an angle θ is
Answer: B
2.The resultant of two forces each equal to P and acting at right angle is
Answer: D
3.Concurrent forces are those forces whose lines of action
lie on the same line
meet at one point
meet on the same plane
none of these
Answer: B
4.Coplanar non-concurrent forces are those forces which ------- at one point, but their lines of action lie on the same plane.
donot meet
meet on another point
may be meet
Answer: B
5.A smooth cylinder lying on its convex surface remains in ----- equilibrium
not equilibrium
Answer: B
6.Two essential properties of force are
magnitude and sense
sense and direction
magnitude and direction
none of these
Answer: C
7.A force and a couple-moment directed along the force, equivalent to a system of forces is called
a torque
a wrench
none of these
Answer: C
8.For two unlike equal parallel forces, there exists
a resultant force
a resultant moment
a resultant force and a moment
none of these
Answer: B
9.If the resultant of two equal forces has the same magnitude as either of the forces, then the angle between the two forces is
Answer: D
10.If a three forces acting at a point are represented in magnitude and direction by the three sides of a triangle, taken in order, then the forces are in
Not equilibrium
Answer: A
11.A force while acting on a body may ----------- its motion
Answer: change
12.The resultant of two forces P and Q(such that P > Q) acting along the same straight line, but in opposite direction, is given by -----------
Answer: P-Q
13.A number of forces acting at a point will be in equilibrium, if resolved horizontal as well as vertical components of individual forces must be ----------
Answer: zero
14.The forces which meet at one point, but their lines of action ----- on the same plane, are known as noncoplanar concurrent forces.
Answer: don’t lye
15.If three coplaner forces acting on a point are in equilibrium, then each force is ---------- to the sine of the angle between the other two.
Answer: proportional
16.The forces whose lines of action are parallel to each other and act in the same direction, are known as __________
Answer: like parallel forces
17.Two equal and opposite parallel forces whose line of action are different form a ------------
Answer: couple
18.coplanar forces may be either concurrent or ------------------
Answer: non-concurrent
19.Self weight of a block resting on an incline will act ----------------
Answer: vertically downward
20.The unit of force in SI system of units is --------------------
Answer: Newton