Engineering Geology Mid - I, September - 2014

1.Exfoliation is a form of
  • Physical Weathering
  • Chemical Weathring
  • Biochemical Weathring
  • Mass Wasting
Answer: A
2.The temparature on MOHO beneath the continents range
  • 1500C - 2000C
  • 2000C - 5000C
  • 5000C - 7000C
  • 7000C - 9000C
Answer: C
3.Which of the following is a non-diagnostic property?
  • Colour
  • Streak
  • Luster
  • Hardness
Answer: A
4.The maximum amount of substitution of Al for Si is foundin
  • Orthoclase
  • Microcline
  • Albite
  • Anorthite
Answer: D
5.Which of the following are the most active bases present in igneous magmas?
  • K&Na
  • Na&Ca
  • Na,Ca&Ba
  • K&Ca
Answer: A
6.Quartz is a diagnostic mineral in
  • Oversaturated Rocks
  • Saturated Rocks
  • Unsaturated Rocks
  • Undersaturated Rocks
Answer: A
7.The smallest megascopic layer in a Sedimentary sequence is
  • Bed
  • Stratum
  • Lamina
  • All of the above
Answer: C
8.Which of the following rocks are completely unfoliated
  • Slates
  • Schist
  • Phyllites
  • Hornfelses
Answer: D
9.The amount of dip measured along the strike direction of a vertical bed is always
  • 900
  • 600
  • 450
  • 00
Answer: D
10.Fold axis lies in the direction
  • Parallel to Hinges
  • Normal to Hinges
  • Inclined Hinges
  • None of the above
Answer: A
11.Geology is the___________________________.
Answer: Science of the earth
12.The application of geological knowledge is useful in the field of _____________ Engineering.
Answer: Civil
13.The outer superficial layer of the earth is called the ________________.
Answer: Crust
14.The ouetr solid portion of the earth existing above the asthenosphere is called the _________________.
Answer: Lithosphere
15.The principle agents of physical weathering are__________________.
Answer: Frost, Heating, Cooling & Organisms
16.Quartz Hardness values is _________.
Answer: 7
17._____________ Rocks contain more than 65% silica.
Answer: Acid
18.____________ Rocks are formed by consolidation and cementation of sediments deposited under water.
Answer: Sedimentary
19.Quartzite is ______________ rock.
Answer: Metamorphic
20.The angle of inclination of a rock bed with the horizontal plane is called the __________ .
Answer: Dip