Embedded and Real Time Systems Mid - I, September - 2014

1._______ let’s designer specify functionality in an abstract manner and automatically generates low level implementation details
  • Design technology
  • Compilation
  • PLD Technology
  • IC Technology
Answer: B
2.____________provide a software environment for the application of numerous tools throughout the design process and management of versions of implementation
  • Compilation
  • Verification
  • Framework
  • State machine
Answer: C
3.____________ is feasible for applications such as disk drives ,printers ,scanners
  • USB
  • Fire wire
  • IEEE483
  • IEEE485
Answer: B
4.The __________________stores and manipulates a system’s data
  • FSM
  • Controller
  • Data path
  • Manipulator
Answer: C
5.An a ____________ architecture, the data & program words share the same memory space.
  • Princeton
  • Superscalar
  • Harvard
  • None
Answer: A
6.___________ is a standard for interconnecting consumer electronic devices using serial bus
  • IEEE484
  • IEEE1394
  • USB
  • IEEE432
Answer: B
7._______ is the task of reading the instruction from memory into instruction register.
  • Decode
  • Fetch instruction
  • Store result
  • Execute
Answer: B
8.USB 2.0 standard supports data rates up to ________ Mbps.
  • 1.5 Mbps
  • 12Mbps
  • 480Mbps
  • none of the above
Answer: C
9.In Moore machine out put depends only on
  • Present state
  • previous state
  • both
  • none of the above
Answer: A
10.The Embedded software is also called _______________
  • Fire wall
  • Firmware
  • Fire wire
  • none of the above
Answer: B
11.USART is stands for ________________________
Answer: Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
12.The mneumonic ASIC stands for _____________
Answer: Application Specific Integrated Circuit
13.A ___________ microprocessor which can execute two or more scalar operation in parallel requiring two or more ALU’s
Answer: Superscalar
14.The RT – level combinational component used to convert the binary input into n bit output is_________________
Answer: Decoder
15. ______________is a digital circuit whose outputs are a function of the present as well as previous input values.
Answer: Sequential circuit
16.We can merge a number of states into a single state reducing the size of the ______________.
Answer: Controller
17.The narrowest line that we can create on a chip is called the feature ______________.
Answer: Size
18._____________is the manner in which we convert our concept of desired system functionality into an implementation.
Answer: Design technology
19.___________tools are used to automate both the combinational and the sequential logic design.
Answer: CAD
20.____________monitors external control inputs as well as data path control outputs.
Answer: Controller