Elements of Earthquake Engineering Mid - I, September - 2014

1.Which one does not belong to natural source of earthquake
  • tectonic
  • valconic
  • explosive
  • collapse of cavity
Answer: C
2.Richter magnitude scale is given by
  • M= log10A - log10A0
  • M= log10A / log10A0
  • M= log10A + log10A0
  • M= log10A x log10A0
Answer: A
3.The load factor for plastic design of steel structures for DL, EL combination as per IS 1893
  • 1.70(DL±EL)
  • 1.6(DL±EL)
  • 1.8(DL±EL)
  • 1.90(DL±EL)
Answer: A
4.The design horizontal seismic coefficient for a structure is
  • Z.I.Sn/2.R.g
  • Z.I.Sn.2Rg
  • Z.I.Sn+2Rg
  • none
Answer: A
5.Zone factor (Z) for zone 5 of srinagar is
  • 0.1
  • 0.16
  • 0.24
  • 0.36
Answer: D
6.A lumped mass model is used for practical design of
  • single storeyed buildings
  • multistoreyed buildings
  • single or multistireyed buildings
  • none
Answer: B
7.Main of seismic method of analysis based on IS code
  • IS 1893-2002
  • IS 4326-1993
  • IS 1390-1993
  • none
Answer: A
8.The earthquake can be classified as
  • deep focus
  • shallow focus
  • intermediate focus
  • all the above
Answer: D
9.The surface of earth consists of
  • 9
  • 8
  • 7
  • 6
Answer: C
10.Soft storey is one lateral stiffness is less than % of that in the soft storey above
  • 40
  • 50
  • 60
  • 70
Answer: D
11.The point on the earth’s surface vertically above the point where seismic rupture begins is _______________
Answer: Epicenter
12.The study of earthquake and the structure of earth is called as _______________
Answer: Seismology
13.The basic equation of static equilibrium under displacement method of analysis is given by _________________
Answer: F(ext) =Ky
14.Dissipiration of energy is called as _______________
Answer: Damping
15.SRR stands for _______________
Answer: Structural Response Recorder
16.Fundamental natural period of vibration in seconds is _________________for RC framed building.
Answer: 0.075 h0.75
17._______________is a way of measuring the effects of an earthquake at different sites.
Answer: Seismic intensity scale
18.Response reduction factor(R) for Ordinary RCC Moment Resistant Frame(OMRF) is ______________
Answer: 3
19.The differential equation for free vibration is _____________
Answer: mx + cx + kx = 0
20.If the mass on the floor of a building is more on one side and less another side then the building is _______________
Answer: Twist