Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation Mid - II, November - 2014
1.The sampling oscilloscope is able to respond and store
Rapid bits of information and present them in a continuous display
Slowly varying bits of information and present them in continuous display
Rapid bits of information and present them in a discrete display
Samples and display in digital form
Answer: A
2.The digital storage oscilloscope is more accurate than analog storage oscilloscope because
The Time Base Is Generated By a Crystal Clock
Collects Data After It Has Been Triggered
It Operate In a Babysitting Mode
Constant Refresh Time
Answer: A
3.In dual trace oscilloscope, the display will show a continuous line for each channel when the Chopping rate is
Much Slower Than Fly Back Period
Much Slower Than the Hold-Off Period
Much Faster Than the Vertical Sweep Rate
Much Faster Than the Horizontal Sweep Rate
Answer: D
4.The high amplitude signals are measured using CRO by placing an attenuator between the
Vertical Input Terminal and the Input Terminal of the Horizontal Amplifier
Vertical Input Terminal and the Input Terminal of the Vertical Amplifier
Horizontal Input Terminal and the Input Terminal of the Vertical Amplifier
Horizontal input terminal and the input terminal of the horizontal amplifier
Answer: D
5.An Oscilloscope has an input capacitance of 50pF and resistance of 2 MΩ and the voltage divider ratio of 1Ω. The parameters of a high impedance probe are
C1=5.55pf, R1=18 M Ω
C1=3.55pf, R1=9 Mω
C1=2.55pf, R1=9 M Ω
C1=50pf, R1=18 M Ω
Answer: A
6.An X-Y recorder has a sensitivity of 10V/mm, a slewing speed of 1.5m/s and a frequency response about 6 Hz for both the axes. The chart size is 250 x180mm. The accuracy of X-Y recorder is
Answer: B
7.The physical quantity may be plotted against another physical quantity by using
X-Y Recorder With Appropriate Transducers
Lcr Meter
Answer: C
8.The following device is used to measure the relative humidity
Scintillation Counters
Answer: D
9.The major drawback of a seismic accelerometer using resistance potential divider is
High Resolution and Natural Frequency
High Resolution and Low Natural Frequency
Limited Resolution and Low Natural Frequency
Limited Resolution and High Natural Frequency
Answer: C
10.The most commonly used transducer for the measurement of liner velocity is
Pivot Torque
Strain Gauge
Electro-Magnetic Transducer
Pirani Gauge
Answer: C
11.In the moving coil type velocity transducer, the velocity of coil is proportional to ________________.
Answer: The voltage generated in the coil
12.Microwave Refractometer is used to measure the __________________.
Answer: Humidity
13.Resistive methods for level measurement are not used in ________________.
Answer: Explosive atmosphere
14.The dual trace oscilloscope cannot capture ______________.
Answer: Two fast transient events
15.The bistable storage oscilloscopes depend for their operation, on the principle of _________________.
Answer: Secondary emission
16.The Fast storage oscilloscopes enhance the speed with which they can capture transient information by using ________________.
Answer: Two storage meshes
17.When sinusoidal voltages are simultaneously applied to horizontal and vertical plates of CRT, the resultant pattern is called _______________.
Answer: Lissajous patterns
18.To measure the frequency by CRO using lissajous patterns, the internal sweep generator is _________.
Answer: Switched off
19.In X-Y plotters, an emf is plotted as a function of __________________.
Answer: Another emf
20.An Isolation probe is used more compared to shielded probe to avoid _______________.
Answer: The undesirable circuit loading effects