Electronic Devices and Circuits Mid - II, November - 2014
1.For saturation of BJT of silicon
-∞ ≤ VCE ≤ 0.2
β VCE0 ≤ VCE ≤ 0.2
-∞ ≤ VCE ≤ 0
0 ≤ VCE ≤ 0.2
Answer: A
2.Collector current and reverse saturation collector current are related as
None of the above
Answer: A
3.The Typical turn off time of transistor is
10m sec
60n sec
40n sec
Answer: C
4.Which of the following transistor are affected by static electricity
NPN Transistor
Answer: C
5.ncase JFET and MOSFET
Bothrequires negative gate voltage Operation
JFET positive gate voltage and MOSFET negative gate voltage
JFET negative gate voltage and MOSFET positive gate voltage
None of the above
Answer: C
6.JFET operates on
Depletion mod
Enhancement mode
Both A & B
Neither A or B
Answer: A
7.The Pinch- off voltage for a JFET is 4v,when VGS = 1, the pinch –off occurs for VDS is equal to
Answer: D
8.The thermal run away will takes pla ce if the quescient point is such that
1/2 VCC == VCE
VCE < 1/2 VCC
Answer: D
9.A J FET uses set up as source follower having rd = 100K, = 200 & load resistance as 1K, the output impedance is
333 ohms
0.98 ohms
0.882 ohms
0.682 ohms
Answer: A
10.In order toachive good stabilization in potential divider bias method current through R1 & R2 should be at least _________ times IB
≥ 10
< 10
≠ 10
None of the above
Answer: A
11.In BJT, Large signal current gain _______________________
Answer: = (IC - ICEO) / IB,
12.The cut in voltage Vr is _________________
Answer: Is the forword bias voltage below which the current is very small
13.In UJT, Intrinsic stan off ratio lies between __________ to _________
Answer: 0.5, 0.8
14.The point of inter section of a.c load line is called __________________
Answer: Operating point
15.For the typical transistor amplifier in active region VCE is usually about ___ % to ___ %of IB
Answer: 25%, 75%
16.h-parameters valid for _______ region of frequency range.
Answer: Radio, 7
17.If the temperature increases the value of VBE _______________.
Answer: Is decreased
18.The disadvantage of voltage divide bias is that it has ___________________.
Answer: Many resistors
19.The value of S for fixed bias circuit is _________________.
Answer: s = 1 +
20.CB amplifier has voltge gain is _______ for normal RL values
Answer: highest