Electrical Circuits Mid - I, September - 2014
1.Ideal Voltage source should have
Zero Internal resistance
Infinite internal resistance
Large value of emf
Low value of current
Answer: A
2.Kirchhoff’s laws are valid for
Linear circuits only
Passive time invariant circuits
Non- Linear circuits only
Both Linear circuitsand Non- Linear circuits
Answer: A
3.The energy Capacity of a storage battery is rated in
Ampere hours
Answer: C
4.Mesh analysis is based on
Kirchhoff’s Current Law
Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law
Answer: B
5.An ideal Voltage Source will charge an ideal capacitor
In infinite time
None of the above
Answer: C
6.A Circuit of lagging power factor behaves as
An inductive circuit
A capacitive circuit
R-L Circuit
R-C Circuit
Answer: A
7.The Phasor combination of resistive power and Reactive Power is called
True Power
Apparent Power
Reactive Power
Average Power
Answer: B
8.What is the total reactance of a series R-L-C Circuit at resonance.
Equal to XL
Equal to XC
Equal to R
Answer: D
9.The Form Factor of DC Voltage is
Answer: C
10.Super Position Theorem is Valid For
Linear circuits
nonlinear circuits
both linear andnonlinear circuits
Answer: A
11.Ohm’s Law is Defined as __________________
Answer: R = V/I = Constant
12.Form factor is Defined as______________________
Answer: Form Factor = r.m.s value/average value
13.In a pure capacitor the current leads voltage by____________________
Answer: 90
14.Power factor is expressed in terms of P, V, I as ____________

15.Reonant frequency of R-L-C series circuit is given by ______
Answer: Resonant frequency = fr =

16.Give example for active elements
Answer: Voltage source, Current source
17.Energy stored in a capacitor is given as
Answer: E = 1/2 CV2
18.Form factor of a sine-wave is given by _______
Answer: Form factor = 1.11
19.The relation between voltage and current in an inductor is__________________

20.The basis for nodal analysis is____________________
Answer: KCL