Digital Logic Design and Computer Organization Mid - I, September - 2014

1.The name ______is used when lower bytes addresses are used for more significant bits.
  • Big-endian
  • little endian
  • small endian
  • None
Answer: A
2.A byte is equal to _______bits.
  • 10
  • 4
  • 8
  • 9
Answer: C
3.Convert (0.6875)10 to binary
  • (0.1011)2
  • (0.10111)2
  • (0.1)2
  • (0.11)2
Answer: A
4.And terms is called __.
  • Max terms
  • min terms
  • both
  • none
Answer: B
5.A binary address in a digital circuit that produces the arithmetic sum of __binary numbers.
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 6
Answer: C
6.A full address is a combination circuit that forms the arithmetic sum of _______bits.
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 5
Answer: B
7.Addition of three bits called ________address.
  • Half
  • parallel
  • Full
  • none
Answer: C
8.The r’s complement of an n- digit number N in base ‘r’ is defined as for n#0.
  • R - n
  • rn - N
  • r - Nn
  • N - r
Answer: B
9.In D flip flop if D = 1 the output of the flip flop goes to _____state.
  • 1
  • 0
  • no change
  • indeterministic
Answer: A
10.The ____operand is in memory location.
  • Absolute mode
  • Register mode
  • Immediate mode
  • indirect mode
Answer: B
11.An ____________is a request from an Input output device for service by the processor.
Answer: Interrupt
12.MAR stands for ______________________________________.
Answer: Memory address register
13.A _____________ translates a high level language program into a sequence of machine instructions.
Answer: Compiler
14.The NAND gate is said to be ________________gate
Answer: Universal
15.A is a combinational circuit that converts binary information from ‘n’ input lines to max of 2n unique output
Answer: Decoder
16.Synchronization isachieved by a timing device called a ___________ generation.
Answer: Clock
17.Positive integers including zero, can be represented as ______________numbers.
Answer: Unsigned
18.In floating point represent of a number has two parts second part called ____________.
Answer: Exponent
19.EBCDIC stands for _____________________________________________.
Answer: Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
20._________________ is a measure of the performance of the entire system.
Answer: Elapsed time