Digital Image Processing Mid - I, September - 2014

1.The principal application areas of digital image processing is
  • Human Interpretations
  • Autonomous machine perception
  • both A and B
  • none
Answer: C
2.The purpose of Image compression is
  • to reduce Image data for storage and transmission
  • to increase the Image data for storage and transmission
  • to improve the quality of the image
  • None
Answer: A
3.The Power Spectrum of the Image is ________
  • none
Answer: A
4.The 1-D Forward Hardmard kernel is
  • none
Answer: A
5.In Image enhancement, the Power-law transformation can be given as
  • S = C log(1+r)
  • k = P+q-1
  • S = Cr
  • none
Answer: A
6.The output of butter worth high pass filter is
  • Blurred Image
  • Original Image
  • sharpen image
  • none
Answer: C
7.In an Image, highlighting a specific range of gray levels is called as
  • Bit plane slicing
  • gray level Slicing
  • Image negatives
  • none
Answer: B
8.In which filter the illumination and reflectance components are used for image enhancement
  • Bit plane slicing
  • LowPass filtering
  • high pass filtering
  • homomorphic filtering
Answer: D
9.In Image restoration, the wiener filter restores original image by minimizing ____
  • mean square error
  • double square error
  • difference error
  • none
Answer: A
10.Approach produces successive improvements to the restoration process until a final condition is reached
  • inverse filtering
  • wiener filtering
  • iterative approach
  • none
Answer: C
11.The Amplitude of f(x, y) is called as ______________.
Answer: Gray level or intensity
12.The mixed connectivity is modification of _____________connectivity.
Answer: 8 connectivity
13.The phase angle (u, v) of the Image is _________________
14.In Walsh transform, the signal is represented by a set of orthogonal ______________waveforms.
Answer: Square waves
15.The output of homomorphic filtering improves ____________________
Answer: Contrast
16.The output of butter worth low pass filter___________________
Answer: Blurred image or smooth image
17.The point processing is used for image enhancement in ________________domain
Answer: Spatial domain
18.The average filtering of k images used for __________________
Answer: Noise reduction
19.___________________ uses prior knowledge to recover the original image.
Answer: Image restoration
20.The Gaussian noise model is resulted in an image due to ______________________
Answer: Poor illumination