Development of Mineral Deposits Mid - II, November - 2014
1.which of the following comes under special methods of shaft sinking ?
piling system
caisson system
both a & b
None of these
Answer: C
2.caisson methods are divided into………..of classes
Answer: B
3.Which of the following method comes under caisson system ?
forced drop shaft method
pneumatic caisson method
freezing method
all the above
Answer: D
4.The process of reducing friction of rock to the passage of cement is known as……
both a & b
none of these
Answer: A
5.The resistance offered to the passage of air ventilating is……….in shafts
none of these
Answer: A
6.There is a greater possibility of a drift passing through an unfavourable geological conditions, because the drifts have
longer length
shorter length
high cost
none of these
Answer: A
7.Adits should be driven ……………… the strike of the coal seam
at right angles
at any angle
all the above
Answer: D
8.which of the following comes inder conventional mining system ?
Drilling & blasting
Cutting & loading
both a & b
None of these
Answer: A
9.Which of the following is most associated with drivage of drifts than other type of loaders ?
slushier loader
Rocker shovel
both a&b
None of these
Answer: C
10.To extract mineral by underground methods of working, the axis may be an
vertical shaft
all the above
Answer: D
11.……………….system is used for sinking through loose deposits of sand,mud or alluvium near the surface upto a depth of 20mts.
Answer: piling
12.In piling system the interlocking steel piles used are of size…………mts
Answer: 6 to 10
13.The whole process of freezing method undergoes in ………..number of operations.
Answer: 3
14.The …………………..process should not be used for sinking running sand or loose ground.
Answer: cementation
15.The process of treating the holes with the chemicals is known as …………………………
Answer: silicatization
16.The capacity of drift is ………………….compared to capacity of shafts.
Answer: large
17.Adits are the …………..means of access to the coal seam.
Answer: cheapest
18.The surface drifts or inclines are preferred upto depth of ………to ……..mts
Answer: 250 to 350
19.The removal of blasted rock & cleaning the face is known as ..……………
Answer: mucking
20.The slusher loader is also known as ……………..
Answer: scraper