Data Structures Mid - II, November - 2014
1.Which of the following uses the divide-and-conquer design strategy
Binary Search
Linear Search
Insertion Sort
Selection Sort
Answer: A
2.Which of the following an external sorting technique
Quick Sort
Merge Sort
Selection Sort
Insertion Sort
Answer: B
3.Which of the following is the best sorting technique to sort large data sets
Insertion Sort
Selection Sort
Bubble Sort
Quick Sort
Answer: D
4.Which of the following is not an application of Stacks?
Checking the Balancing of parenthesis in an expression
Converting an expression from infix to postfix
Evaluating the Postfix Expression
Keeping track of the jobs submitted to a printer
Answer: A
5.Which of the following is an equivalent postfix form of the infix expression (Based on C language Precedence and Associative Rules) : A + B * C – D / E
Answer: B
6.The average depth of binary search tree is__________
o(n )
o(log n)
Answer: C
7.External merge sort is based on the __________-on the external merging principle
External sorting
Poly phase merge
multi phase merge
internal sorting
Answer: D
8.The worst case running time for search in AVL tree is____________
o(n )
o(log n)
Answer: C
9.Comparisons in Brute-Force is ______________
from middle
start to middle
left to right
right to left
Answer: B
10.In a graph set of nodes are called as _____________
Answer: C
11.___________ searching technique requires the elements to be in sorted order
Answer: Binary Search
12.Time Complexity (efficiency) of the linear search is ________________
Answer: O(n)
13.Time Complexity of the Selection Sort is _____________________-
Answer: O(n2)
14.Collection of elements and their relationships are called as _________
Answer: Data Structure
15.The level of root node in binary tree is____________
Answer: Zero
16._________ tree is based on balancing
Answer: AVL
17.In a B-tree the data items are stored at ______________
Answer: Leaf nodes
18.DFS stands for___________________________
Answer: Depath First Search
19.DAG stands for ___________________.
Answer: Directed Acyclic Graph
20.Heaps are used for ___________ queues.
Answer: Priority