Data Structures Mid - II, November - 2014

1.Which of the following uses the divide-and-conquer design strategy
  • Binary Search
  • Linear Search
  • Insertion Sort
  • Selection Sort
Answer: A
2.Which of the following an external sorting technique
  • Quick Sort
  • Merge Sort
  • Selection Sort
  • Insertion Sort
Answer: B
3.Which of the following is the best sorting technique to sort large data sets
  • Insertion Sort
  • Selection Sort
  • Bubble Sort
  • Quick Sort
Answer: D
4.Which of the following is not an application of Stacks?
  • Checking the Balancing of parenthesis in an expression
  • Converting an expression from infix to postfix
  • Evaluating the Postfix Expression
  • Keeping track of the jobs submitted to a printer
Answer: A
5.Which of the following is an equivalent postfix form of the infix expression (Based on C language Precedence and Associative Rules) : A + B * C – D / E
  • AB+C*D-E/
  • ABC*+DE/-
  • ABC*+D-E/
  • AB+CD-*E/
Answer: B
6.The average depth of binary search tree is__________
  • o(n/2)
  • o(n )
  • o(log n)
  • o(n2)
Answer: C
7.External merge sort is based on the __________-on the external merging principle
  • External sorting
  • Poly phase merge
  • multi phase merge
  • internal sorting
Answer: D
8.The worst case running time for search in AVL tree is____________
  • o(n/2)
  • o(n )
  • o(log n)
  • o(n2)
Answer: C
9.Comparisons in Brute-Force is ______________
  • from middle
  • start to middle
  • left to right
  • right to left
Answer: B
10.In a graph set of nodes are called as _____________
  • notes
  • arrows
  • vertices
  • edges
Answer: C
11.___________ searching technique requires the elements to be in sorted order
Answer: Binary Search
12.Time Complexity (efficiency) of the linear search is ________________
Answer: O(n)
13.Time Complexity of the Selection Sort is _____________________-
Answer: O(n2)
14.Collection of elements and their relationships are called as _________
Answer: Data Structure
15.The level of root node in binary tree is____________
Answer: Zero
16._________ tree is based on balancing
Answer: AVL
17.In a B-tree the data items are stored at ______________
Answer: Leaf nodes
18.DFS stands for___________________________
Answer: Depath First Search
19.DAG stands for ___________________.
Answer: Directed Acyclic Graph
20.Heaps are used for ___________ queues.
Answer: Priority