Concrete Technology Mid - II, September - 2014

1.For complete hydration of cement the w/c ratio needed is
  • Less than 0.25
  • more than 0.25 but less than 0.35
  • more than 0.35 but less than 0.45
  • more than 0.45 but less than 0.60
Answer: C
2.Before testing setting time one should test for
  • soundness
  • strength
  • fineness
  • consistency
Answer: D
3.A splitting tensile test is performed on cylinder of diameter D and length L. If the ultimate load is P, then splitting tensile strength of concrete is given by
  • P/DL
  • 2P/DL
  • 4pL/D3
  • 2pD/L
Answer: B
4.To make one cubic meter of 1:2:4 by volume concrete the volume concrete, the volume of Coarse aggregate required is
  • 0.95m3
  • 0.85m3
  • 0.75m3
  • 0.65m3
Answer: B
5.Durability of concrete is proportional to
  • sand content
  • water content
  • aggregate ratio
  • cement aggregate ratio
Answer: D
6.Poisson’s ratio for concrete ranges between
  • 0.1
  • 0.15 and 0.25
  • 0.25 and 0.30
  • 0.30 and 0.35
Answer: D
7.Finess modulus of aggregate is between
  • 2-3.5
  • 3.5 -5.0
  • 5 - 6.0
  • 6 - 7
Answer: D
8.If slump of concrete mix is 60mm, then its workability is
  • low
  • medium
  • high
  • very high
Answer: C
9.If compaction factor is 0.95, then workability of concrete is
  • very low
  • low
  • medium
  • hight
Answer: D
10.Light weight concrete is used in
  • heat resistance
  • air conditioning of building
  • non loading bearing wall
  • reducing thickness
Answer: B
11.Workability of concrete can be imposed by addition of ……………….
Answer: Zinc
12.Split strength of concrete can be determine by ………………….
Answer: Brazillion test
13.Separation of ingredients from concrete during transportation is called …………………
Answer: Segregation
14.The property of fresh concrete in which the water in the mix trends to rise to the surface while Placing and compaction is called …………………
Answer: Bleeding
15.Stress – strain curve for cement concrete is almost linear up to ……………….
Answer: 0.5 times ultimate stress
16.Young’s modulus of concrete Ec is ……………….
17.Poisson’s ration for concrete ranges between ……………….
Answer: 0.30 to 0.35
18.Workability of concrete mix with low water cement ration is determine by ………………
Answer: Tensile strength test
19.For a thick and heavily reinforced structures workability of concrete should be ………………
Answer: Low
20.Water cement ratio is generally expressed in volume of water required per…………… cement bag
Answer: 50kg