Computer Organization Mid - I, September - 2014

1.The ________contains the data to be written into or read out of the addressed location
  • MDR
  • MAR
  • PC
  • MBR
Answer: A
2.A group of lines that serves a connecting path for several devices is called a ________
  • control bus
  • bus
  • data bus
  • address bus
Answer: B
3.The micro-operations that perform bit manipulation operations.
  • register transfer
  • arithmetic
  • logical
  • shift
Answer: A
4.The transfer of information from a memory word to the outside environment is called a ________ operation.
  • read
  • write
  • execute
  • all
Answer: A
5.To perform fetch, decode execute cycles the processor unit has to perform set of operations called ________________
  • micro operation
  • micro instruction
  • micro code
  • micro program
Answer: C
6.In _____ shift operation, it is necessary to repeat the sign bit.
  • rotate
  • arithmetic
  • logic
  • circular
Answer: B
7.A PLA consists of an array of AND gates by an array of __________ gates.
  • OR
  • NAND
  • NOR
  • NOT
Answer: A
8.A ________ adder is a logical circuit which performs sum of two inputs.
  • half
  • full
  • parallel
  • serial
Answer: A
9.9’s complement of (3497)BCD is
  • 6506
  • 6508
  • 7520
  • 6502
Answer: D
10.In 8-4-2-1 BCD, each decimal digit is replaced by a __________ bit binary numer.
  • 8
  • 4
  • 2
  • 3
Answer: B
11.CISC stands for __________________________________.
Answer: Complex instruction set computers
12.Overlapping the execution of successive instructions called ____________.
Answer: Pipelining
13.___________translates mnemonic codes to machine codes.
Answer: Assembler
14.The memory stores binary information into groups of bits called ___________.
Answer: Words
15.1 operation is ___________________.
Answer: Two’s complement of R1
16.Grouping the control variables at any given time form a string of 1’s and 0’s called _________.
Answer: Control word
17.The data register sometimes called a _____________ register.
Answer: Pipeline register
18.__________________ is a sub unit of micro programmed control unit .
Answer: Micro program sequencer
19.________________ algorithm for signed number multiplication.
Answer: Booths
20.One method of speeding up the process by eliminating inter stage carry delay called ____________
Answer: Look ahead -carry adder