Computer Organization Mid - I, September - 2014

1.Identify the output device
  • Scanner
  • Keyboard
  • Joy Stick
  • Plotter
Answer: D
2.To Design a common bus system for 8 registers of 16-bits each, how many Multiplexers are required?
  • 8 MUXs
  • 12 MUXs
  • 16 MUXs
  • 4 MUXs
Answer: C
3.The Complement of decimal number 85 is _________
  • 84
  • 15
  • 14
  • 16
Answer: C
4.The memory word that holds the address of the operand in an indirect address instruction is used as a ______ to an array of data
  • variable
  • Pointer
  • Expression
  • None
Answer: B
5.The Memory Address Register(AR) and Program Counter(PC) has ______ bits
  • 8
  • 12
  • 16
  • 24
Answer: B
6.The Multiplication operation is implemented with a sequence of ______ and ______ Micro operations.
  • Add & Shift
  • Subtract & Shift
  • Shift & Complement
  • None
Answer: A
7.A Mapping Procedure is a rule that transforms the instruction code into a
  • Control Memory Address
  • Register Memory Address
  • Memory Address
  • Direct Memory Address
Answer: A
8.______ Computers that combine the features of vector processing with floating point.
  • Normal
  • Super
  • One bit
  • Memory
Answer: B
9.A floating –point number in computer register consists of ______ parts
  • Mantissa
  • Exponent
  • Both a&b
  • None
Answer: C
10.Stack is a storage device that stores information in ______ manner
  • LIFO
  • FIFO
  • Round Robin
  • None
Answer: A
11.The ________________ micro operation can be used to Selective set bits of a register.
Answer: OR
12.The transfer of information from a memory word to the outside environment is called a ______________.
Answer: Read
13.A micro operation is an elementary operation performed on the information stored in ________ or ____________ registers.
Answer: One or More
14.IR, PC register symbols abbreviated as __________________ , _________________________.
Answer: Instruction Register, Program Counter
15.________________ are programs that are used by other routines to accomplish a particular task.
Answer: Subroutines
16.The Control function that specifies a micro operation is a ______________ variable.
Answer: Binary
17.The addition and subtraction operations can be combined into one common circuit by including an _____________________ gate with each full adder.
Answer: Exclusive – OR
18.Memory words can be specified in instruction codes by their _____________________.
Answer: Address
19.Booth’s multiplication algorithm requires examination of the ___________________ bits and shifting of the partial product.
Answer: Multiplier
20.Zero address instructions in a stack organized computer are __________________ mode.
Answer: Implied