Computer Graphics Mid - I, September - 2014

1.In raster scan displays, the return to the left of the screen after refreshing each scan line is called as
  • Horizontal swap
  • Scrolling leftward
  • Refresh
  • Horizontal retrace
Answer: D
2.The role of flood gun in direct view storage tube (DVST ) device is
  • to erase the picture selectively
  • to provide the negative charge
  • to store picture pattern
  • to maintain the picture display
Answer: D
3.The memory area which holds a set of intensity values for all the screen points is
  • RAM
  • refresh RAM
  • frame buffer
  • video cache
Answer: C
4.The task of digitizing a picture definition in to a set of pixel intensity values for storage in the frame buffer is called
  • run – length encoding
  • pixel conversion
  • vector conversion
  • scan conversion
Answer: D
5.In circle drawing algorthim, when the circle is centered data n arbitrary point (Xi,Yi) what transformations required
  • translation, reflection
  • translation, reflection and rotation
  • Translation and scaling
  • scaling and reflection
Answer: A
6.To identify the interior regions of an object, which of the following rules is used
  • scan-rule
  • odd-even rule
  • stack-rule
  • convex-concave rule
Answer: B
7.Which of the following is the reference for performing rotation, using standard rotation matrix?
  • principal axis
  • origin
  • principal plane
  • no reference is required
Answer: A
8.Which of the coordinate transformations are most popular in animation
  • translation and scaling
  • rotation and mirror reflection
  • translation and mirror reflection
  • scaling and mirror reflection
Answer: A
9.The second bit form right, in four bit code of Cohan-Sutherland algorithm indicates the
  • Above region
  • right region
  • Below region
  • left region
Answer: B
10.In Sutherland –Hodgeman algorithm, if both the vertices of polygon edge lies outside the clipping window edge, it is a case of
  • Completely invisible
  • in determine
  • Partially visible
  • completely visible
Answer: A
11.The display processor in a random scan system is referred to as________________
Answer: Graphics controller
12.The ratio of vertical points to horizontal points in a video monitor is called ________________
Answer: Aspect ratio.
13.A system with 16 bits per pixel and a screen resolution of 1024 by 1024 how many bytes of storage for the frame buffer ___________________
Answer: 2 mega bytes.
14.If an algorithm uses the outputs of the previous iteration, in the computation of outputs in the current iteration, such algorithms are called as____________________
Answer: Incremental algorithms
15.The data structure define in scan line algorithm for polygon filling to keep track of the set of edges the scan line intersects and the intersection points is named as____________________
Answer: Active edge table
16.Two successive scaling operations are____________________
Answer: Commutative.
17.In scaling transformation, the scaling factors sx and sy is____________________
Answer: Independent of each other
18.__________________is a rigid body transformation.
Answer: Shear
19.The normalized transformation and work station transformation are collectively called as ____________________
Answer: Viewing transformation
20.In Sutherland-Hodgeman algorithm, in each iteration with respect to polygon edge, how many vertices are added to output list of vertices _______________________
Answer: Zero, one or two