Chemical Reaction Engineering - I Mid - I, September - 2014

1.The time required to reduce the concentration of the reactant substance to half of its original value is known as -------
  • Half life
  • Fractional life
  • Life
  • None
Answer: A
2.The dimensions of first order rate constant is -------
  • Min-1
  • lit-I
  • lit/sec
  • none
Answer: A
3.The variables affecting the rate of heterogeneous reaction is ----
  • Temp & Press
  • Heat & Mass Transfer
  • Concentration
  • All of the above
Answer: D
4.The reaction rate constant depends on -----------
  • Temperature
  • Pressure
  • Concentration
  • none
Answer: A
5.In a reaction 2A + 3B -> R, the rate constants are related as -----
  • 3k= 2kB
  • 2k= 3kB
  • k= kB
  • none
Answer: A
6.The molecularity of a reaction is always be a ---------
  • Negitive integer
  • Positive integer
  • fraction
  • any one of above
Answer: B
7.The overall rate of a catalyzed reaction is considered as -------- of the rates of Catalyzed and un catalyzed reaction
  • Sum
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Division
Answer: A
8.The Autocatalytic reaction in which one of the product acts as a ---------
  • Reactant
  • Moderator
  • Catalyst
  • None
Answer: C
9.In a rate vs conc. Curve of an autocatalytic reaction, the max rate is occurs when -----
  • CA = CR
  • CA > CR
  • CA < CR
  • None
Answer: A
10.In Reaction Engineering, Thermodynamics gives us information about
  • Rate of reaction
  • Feasibility of reaction
  • both A & B
  • None
Answer: B
11.Equilibrium of a reaction as viewed by kinetics is -------- state
Answer: Dynamic
12.If a reaction proceeds with 2A + 2B -> C, then the order of the reaction is ---------
Answer: 4
13.For a reaction A -> B, it is found that the rate of reaction doubles when conc. Of A is doubled, then the order of reaction must be ----------
Answer: 1
14.The conversion is same for variable volume batch reactor and constant volume batch reactor when order is --------------
Answer: 1
15.In an elementary reaction, if the no. of collisions increases the reaction rate ----------
Answer: Increases
16.In CSTR, The concentration inside and exit of the reactor is -----------
Answer: Same
17.The Semi batch reactors are used to control the ------ of reaction.
Answer: Velocity
18.There is no mixing in longitudinal direction, and the mixing takes place in radial direction. Such reactor is known as -----------
Answer: Ideal tubular reactor
19.The equation which relates the input and output variables and what happens in a reactor is known as --------------
Answer: Performance equation
20.The use of baffles with in reactors is to increase the ------
Answer: Turbulence