Bioprocess Engineering Mid - I, September - 2014

1.When an Enzyme bind to substrate, it
  • Increases activation energy
  • Lowers the activation energy
  • Maintain activation energy constant
  • Only enzyme substrate complex is formed
Answer: B
2.Which of the following is a heterogeneous reactor
  • Fed batch
  • Batch
  • Continuous
  • SSF
Answer: D
3.Gas dispersion in a bioreactor is the function of
  • Sparger
  • Impeller
  • Baffle
  • Antifoams
Answer: B
4.Time for the number of viable cells to decrease ten folds is called
  • Sterilization
  • Decimal Reduction Time
  • Generation Time
  • Extinction Probability
Answer: B
5.Type of sterilization used when medium contains particularly heat sensitive components is
  • Filter Sterilization
  • UV radiation
  • Steam
  • Ultrasonication
Answer: A
6.The choice of a bioreactor is based on
  • cost
  • convenience
  • compatibility
  • all
Answer: D
7.Bacillus are _________ in shape
  • spherical
  • cylindrical
  • elliptical
  • spiral
Answer: B
8.The genetically engineered cells grow at ________ rate
  • maximum
  • minimum
  • equal
  • unequal
Answer: A
9.The quasi steady state of enzyme substrate reaction is first proposed by
  • michelis & menten
  • Kohler
  • Briggs & Haldane
  • Foscher
Answer: C
10.Polymeric material used for the enzyme immobilization by enterapment is
  • Cellulose
  • Glutaraldehyde
  • Collagen
  • All
Answer: C
11.In chromatographic separations, retention time is defined as ____________________
Answer: Time taken by the solute to reach detector from the moment it is injected into the column
12.Lyophilization is also called as _____________________
Answer: Freeze drying
13._______________ refers to recovery and purification of biochemical products
Answer: Downstream processing
14.Process utilizing microbes in converting feed to product is called as ______________
Answer: Bioprocessing
15.__________ is the power house of the cell
Answer: Mitochondria
16.Fed batch operations are useful in overcoming ___________________
Answer: Substrate inhibition
17.__________________ do not contain a membrane bound nucleus.
Answer: Procaryotes
18.__________________ are the sites of important biochemical reactions
Answer: Ribosomes
19.Units of Specific uptake rate of oxygen in aeration and agitation of reactors is _____________.
Answer: Mol O2/gh
20.Measuring device used to measure agitator shaft power is ____________________.
Answer: Wattmeter