Biopharmaceuticals Mid - I, September - 2014

1.One of the following is a major disadvantage of oral drug administration.
  • Least economical
  • oral emesis
  • Destroyed by gastric acidity
  • Metabolised by gastric flora.
Answer: C
2.In emergency situation route of drug administration is by
  • Sublingual
  • Transdermal
  • Intramuscular
  • Intravenous
Answer: D
3.Driving force in drug movement in aqueous diffusion model:
  • Active transport
  • Facilitated transport
  • Concenteration gradient
  • Osmosis
Answer: C
4.Renal excretion factor most sensitive to drug ionization state is
  • Glomerular filtration
  • Passive tubular reabsorption
  • Active transport
  • Osmotic pressure
Answer: B
5.Drug which exhibits a high hepatic" first-pass" effect:
  • Lidocaine
  • Norfoxaline
  • Osmanine
  • Ethanolamine
Answer: C
6.Permanently charged amine form:
  • Primary amine
  • Secondary amine
  • Tertiary amine
  • Quaternary amine
Answer: D
7.Drug response in patients varies due to
  • Hepatic function
  • Blood flow
  • Presence of hepatic disease
  • Diabetic
Answer: B
8.Incomplete absorption of the drug is mainly because of
  • Gastrointestinal flora
  • Hydrophobicity
  • Instability
  • Presence of food
Answer: C
9.Transdermal drug absorption is caused by
  • Lessmolecular weight
  • Drug does not cause histamine release
  • Daily drug requirement is less
  • The pH range is 5-9
Answer: D
10.Bio reactors are generally made from
  • High grade steel
  • Copper
  • Zinc
  • Iron
Answer: A
11.WFI denotes______________________
Answer: Water for injection
12.Example of Drugs for which "first-pass" pulmonary uptake may exceed 65% of injected dose________________
Answer: Fentanyl
13._____________________mode of administration which avoids "first-pass" hepatic effects.
Answer: Transdermal
14._________________ Type of Drugs penetrate least across membranes.
Answer: Protein bound drugs
15.Transdermal drug delivery requires__________________
Answer: Scopomaline
16.Drug metabolism occur in the intestinal wall is known as___________________
Answer: First pass" elimination
17.Drug volume distribution is caused by_________________
Answer: Drug pKa
18.The most important site for drug elimination is __________________
Answer: Kidney
19.Digitoxin is isolated from_____________________
Answer: Foxglove
20.Renal drug excretion occurs by ______________________
Answer: Glomerularfiltration