Biofluids and Mechanics Mid - I, September - 2014
1.A Newtonian fluid is a fluid in which the viscous stresses arising from its flow, at every point, are linearly proportional to the local
strain rate
stress rate
shock rate
Answer: A
2.After a fatty meal plasma transiently appears turbid. Within the body the blood is permanently fluid, and …………… flow assures that cells and plasma are fairly homogeneously mixed.
Answer: C
3.If the fluid is also isotropic it means
its mechanical properties are not same along any direction
its mechanical properties are the same along any direction
its chemical properties are the same along any direction
its physical properties are not same along any direction
Answer: B
4.The viscosity tensor ………… to two real coefficients, describing the fluid's resistance to continuous shear deformation and continuous compression or expansion, respectively.
remains constant
No change
Answer: B
5.Many common liquids and gases, can be assumed to be Newtonian for practica calculations under ordinary conditions, such as
both a & b
Answer: C
6.Who first derived the relation between the rate of shear strain rate and shear stress for such fluids in differential form.
Answer: D
7.There is general formula for friction force in a liquid: The vector differential of friction force is ………the viscosity tensor increased on vector product differential of the area vector of adjoining a liquid layers and rotor of velocity
Answer: A
8.As are many commonly found substances such as ketchup, custard, toothpaste, starch suspensions, paint,blood, and shampoo are examples of
Non Newtonian fluid
Reynolds number
Newtonian fluid
Prantyl number
Answer: A
9.Biological fluids such as blood, saliva, semen, mucus and synovial fluids are
Newtonian fluid
Reynolds number
Non Newtonian fluid
Bingam Plastics
Answer: C
10.Blood is an opaque red fluid, freely flowing but denser and more viscous than
Answer: C
11.Newtonian fluids are named after ……………., who first derived the relation between the rate of shear strain rate and shear stress for such fluids in differential form.
Answer: Isaac Newton
12.An element of a flowing liquid or gas will suffer forces from the surrounding fluid, including ……………… forces that cause it to gradually deform over time.
Answer: viscous stress
13.For an incompressible and isotropic Newtonian fluid, the viscous stress is related to the strain rate by the simpler equation …………………………

14.Mucus, sputum, and synovial fluids are well known for their …………… behavior
Answer: Elastic
15.More generally, in a non-isotropic Newtonian fluid, the coefficient that relates internal friction stresses to the spatial derivatives of the velocity field is replaced by …………….
Answer: a nine-element viscosity tensor

16.Blood is an example of ………………..
Answer: Non Newtonian fluid
17.……………………. are examples clay suspensions, drilling mud, toothpaste, mayonnaise, chocolate, and mustard.
Answer: Bingham plastics
18.The characteristic colour of the blood is imparted by ……………………….
Answer: hemoglobin
19.The blood clot consists of microscopic strands of a complex protein, called ………….., forming a gel in which the erythrocytes and other cells are entrapped.
Answer: fibrin
20.The fluid portion, …………………….., is a clear, slightly sticky, yellowish liquid.
Answer: plasma