Bio Ethics, Bio Safety and Intellectual Property Rights Mid - I, September - 2014

1.LMO stands for
  • Living Modified organism
  • Legally Modified Organism
  • Lethal Model organ
  • Linear Mode organism
Answer: A
2.______ Act of 1986 was an afterthought of the shocking Bhopal gas tragedy
  • National Biodiversity Act
  • Environmental Protection Act
  • Convention on Biological Diversity
  • National Biosafety Act
Answer: B
3.Which Indian Organization filed case against the turmeric patent obtained by University of Mississippi Medical Center in 1995 is
  • IIHR
  • ICAR
  • IARI
  • CSIR
Answer: D
4.IBSC Means
  • International Bioethics Committee
  • International Biosafety Committee
  • Institutional Biosafety Committee
  • Institutional Bioethics Committee
Answer: C
5.The council that promotes biomedical research in the country through intramural as well as extramural research is
  • WTO
  • ICMR
  • WIPO
  • UNO
Answer: B
6._______________ has developed a classification system for biological terror agents.
  • IBC
  • NBC
  • CDC
  • None of the above
Answer: C
7.Which one of the following practices would fail to provide personnel protection during the use of a biological safety cabinet?
  • Locating aerosol-producing equipment at the rear of the cabinet
  • Moving all materials away from the front cabinet grille
  • Moving bulky items to one side of the cabinet
  • Performing manipulations so that work flows across the work surface from the contaminated area to the clean area
Answer: D
8.Informed consent refers to:
  • Principle of autonomy
  • Voluntary but uninformed decision-making
  • A voluntary decision to participate in research, by a competent individual who has received and understood the necessary information
  • Permission to participate in research
Answer: C
9.Which one of the following practices best prevents worker exposer to infectious aerosols?
  • Balancing the safety cups prior to placing them in the centrifuge
  • Opening the centrifuge safety cups only in the biological safety cabinet
  • using a splash shield to open rubber - stoppered tubes
  • Wearing a surgical mask while performing work
Answer: C
10.___________ issues clearance for import/export of etiologic agents and vectors, germplasms, organelle.
  • Institutional Bio safety Committee
  • Review Committee on Genetic Manipulation
  • Genetic Engineering Approval Committee
  • Institutional review board
Answer: B
11.Transboundary Movement of LMOs for intentional introduction into the environment of the party of import is in ____________________ Procedure.
Answer: Advance informed Agreement
12.RCGM stands for ____________________
Answer: Review committee on genetic Manipulation
13.________________ present in golden rice prevents the body from absorbing iron.
Answer: Phytate
14.Expand GATT_______________.
Answer: General Agreement on trade and tariff
15.One of the gene providing resistant in Bt to produce protein toxic to bollworm for reducing the need of chemically insecticides__________________
Answer: Cry gene
16.________________Organization provide general information about drug regulatory requirements in India.
Answer: Central Drugs Standard Control Organization
17.CPB refers to _____________________.
Answer: Cartegena Protocol on Biosafety
18.GEAC stands for _____________________.
Answer: Genetic engineering advisory committee
19.______________ rights arising from the past, present and future contribution of farmers in conserving, improving and making available plant genetic resources.
Answer: Farmers Rights
20._______________is needed whenever a sponsor wishes to study a new drug or an approved drug at a new dose, new route of administration in a new population.
Answer: Investigational new drug application