Applied Electrical Engineering Mid - I, September - 2014
1.The frequency of emf generated by an alternator depends upon the alternator speed (N in rpm)and number of poles on the alternator field P and is given as
Answer: C
2.3-phase synchronous motors need---
Dc supply only
3-phase ac supply only
3-phase ac supply as well as dc supply
3-phase ac supply and single phase ac supply
Answer: C
3.The doubly excited magnetic systems are
synchronous motors
electro-magnetic relays.
none of these.
Answer: D
4.A 3-phase synchronous motor needs dc supply for excitation
at the starting instant only.
of stator
none of these.
Answer: A
5.The rotor of an induction motor rotates in the direction of the rotation of stator field in order to—
Reduce the relative speed between the rotating stator field and the stationary rotor conductors
Oppose the rotor current
increase the relative speed between the rotating stator field and the stationary rotor conductors
None of the above
Answer: A
6.In modern alternators , the rotating part is
field system
armature as well as field system
none of the above
Answer: A
7.A 3-phase transformer ,over a bank of 3-single phase transformers of equal rating ,has the advantage of
low cost
less weight
occupation of less space
all of the above
Answer: B
8.Which of the following connection of transformer will give the highest secondary voltage?
delta primary, delta secondary
delta primary, star secondary
star primary, star secondary
star primary, delta secondary
Answer: B
9.In star –delta connection the ratio between secondary and primary is-------times the transformation ratio of individual transformers.
Answer: A
10.The salient pole type rotors have
two or four projecting poles carrying the field coils
a large number of projecting poles carrying the field coils.
thick steel laminations riveted together and fixed to the rotor by a drove-tail joint
all of the above except
Answer: D
11.Turbo generators are consists ------------type of Rotator.
Answer: Cylindrical
12.In star connection the relation between line voltage and phase voltage is----------------
Answer: VL=1.732 V ph
13.In Delta connection the relation between line voltage and phase voltage is -------------------.
Answer: VL=V ph
14.Damper windings are used in which rotor --------------
Answer: Salient type
15.In cylindrical type rotor the airgap is ----------------.
Answer: Uniform
16.The direction of rotation of an induction motor depends upon the------------------
Answer: Phase sequence
17.The winding having larger number of turns will be having ------------induced emf.
Answer: More
18.Synchronous reactance can be defined as sum of ---------------and --------------reactance.
Answer: Leakage flux reactance, reactance of armature reaction
19.For parallel operation , the frequencies of two machines should be-------------
Answer: Same
20.Hydro generators are consists ---------------type of rotor.
Answer: Salient