Anatomy and Physiology Mid - II, November - 2014

1.Which of these structures prevents the movement of swallowed materials into the larynx?
  • Middle nasal conchae
  • epiglottis
  • Vestibular folds
  • both b and c
Answer: D
2.The most important factor for regulating respiratory rate is
  • HCO3 level in the blood
  • O2 level in the blood
  • CO2 level in the blood.
  • Urea level in the blood
Answer: C
3.Which of these cells is correctly matched with its function?
  • Absorptive cells-produce digestive enzymes
  • Endocrine cells-produce regulatory hormones
  • Duodenal glands-produce protective mucus
  • all of these are correct
Answer: D
4.The thick connective tissue layer of the digestive tract that contains blood vesselssmall glands and a nerve plex
  • mucosal layer
  • submucosal layer
  • muscularis layer
  • serosa (adventitia) layer
Answer: B
5.The liver, gallbladder, and pancreas are connected to ducts which enter the
  • Duodenum
  • descending colon
  • ileum
  • jejunum
Answer: A
6.The basic histological and functional unit of the kidney is the
  • glomerulus
  • Filtration membrane
  • nephron
  • podocyte
Answer: C
7.The ascending limb of the loop of Henle is ______________to water.
  • impermeable
  • moderately permeable
  • permeable
  • highly permeable
Answer: A
8.Norepinephrine and acetylcholine are examples of which of these types of intercellular chemical signals?
  • autocrine chemical signals
  • pheromones
  • paracrine chemical signals
  • neurotransmitters
Answer: D
9.The innermost layer of the uterus is the
  • endometrium
  • myometrium
  • perimetrium
  • endocardium
Answer: A
10.All of the following belong to the lymphatic system EXCEPT
  • lymph
  • lymphatic vessels
  • yellow bone marrow
  • red bone marrow
Answer: C
11.The interstitial fluid picked up by lymphatic capillaries is known as ________________.
Answer: Lymph
12.Cell-mediated immunity is provided by ______________________.
Answer: T‐cells
13.Calcitonin is a hormone of the _____________ gland.
Answer: Thyroid
14.The gland which can be classified as an endocrine and an exocrine gland is the _____________.
Answer: Pancreas
15.Fibrous connective tissue that surrounds each kidney is the __________________.
Answer: Renal capsule
16.Pulmonary __________________ reduces surface tension and increases compliance of the lungs.
Answer: Surfactant
17.The structure that connects a ______________to the urinary bladder is the ureter.
Answer: Kidney
18.Another name for the large intestine is the ______________________.
Answer: colon
19.The two primary functions of the digestive system are _________________ and__________________.
Answer: digestion, absorption
20.The fusion of a sperm cell and an ovum (egg cell) that restores the original chromosome number of forty‐six, is a process known as _____________________________.
Answer: fertilization