Anatomy and Physiology Mid - I, September - 2014

1.The total area for gas exchange in lungs is Sq m._________
  • 50 to 60
  • 60 to 70
  • 70 to 80
  • 80 to 90
Answer: C
2.The ___________ arrangement of lamelle gives bone greater strength.
  • tubular
  • parallel
  • planar
  • coplanar
Answer: A
3.Long, short and irregular bones develop from ____________ models
  • suture
  • muscular
  • cartilage
  • cellular
Answer: C
4.The body fluids and tissues are _________ conductors of electricity.
  • bad
  • good
  • insulators
  • dielectric
Answer: B
5.___________ joints are between teeth, maxilla and mandible.
  • sinusoidal
  • synovial
  • cartillageous
  • Fibrous
Answer: D
6.The systollic pressure in the adults is normally___________ mmHg.
  • 80
  • 120
  • 20
  • 250
Answer: B
7.__________ is a partition consisting of myocardium covered by endocardium.
  • Septum
  • myocardium
  • pericardium
  • epicardium
Answer: A
8.___________ is the narrowing of valve opening.
  • Regurgitation
  • tumor
  • Stenosis
  • dilation
Answer: C
9.The heart valves open and close according to the______________ in the Chambers of heart.
  • pressure
  • volume
  • area
  • temperature
Answer: A
10.The pitch and volume in sound waves are measured in.
  • hertz and decibels
  • watts and voltages
  • amperes and hertz
  • decibels and kilometers
Answer: A
11.The heart is composed of three layers of tissue ___________, ______________ and ____________________________
Answer: Pericardium, myocardium and endocardium
12.__________ is secreted into each ventricle of the brain by choriod plexuses.
Answer: CSF
13.Light enters the eye through pupil, stimulates the nerve endings in the retina and then absorbed by _______________.
Answer: Choroid
14.The nervous system consisting of ____________________ and _________________.
Answer: Neurons and neuroglia
15.__________ output is a product of stroke volume and heart rate.
Answer: Cardiac
16.The pressure inside the lungs exceeds the atmospheric pressure the air is_______________ from the respiratory tract.
Answer: Expelled
17.An increase in the intraocular pressure causes ___________________.
Answer: Glaucoma
18.Tidal volume for each cycle is approximately ____________ ml
Answer: 500
19.ERV stands for ___________________________________________.
Answer: Expiratory reserve volume
20.The smallest veins are called _____________.
Answer: Venules