Analytical Instrumentation Mid - I, September - 2014

1.The molar conductivity of an electrolyte is equal to
  • 1000k/c
  • 1000c/k
  • 1000kc
  • None
Answer: A
2.In gas chromatography carrier phase is
  • Solid
  • Liquid
  • Gas
  • solid or liquid
Answer: C
3.In conductivity meters which electrode surface is usually used
  • Platinum
  • titanium
  • gold
  • all
Answer: B
4.Which carrier gas is normally used in gas chromatography
  • Nitrogen
  • argon
  • helium
  • all
Answer: D
5.The choice of carrier gas is determined by
  • Column
  • detector
  • pressure regulator
  • none
Answer: B
6.Which absorbents are used in gas chromatography
  • Silica
  • alumina
  • both a & b
  • none
Answer: C
7.In chromatography principles injection syringes are used for
  • Solid
  • liquid
  • gas
  • all
Answer: D
8.___________is used as the stationary phase in adsorption chromatography
  • Gas
  • liquid
  • solid
  • none
Answer: C
9.In which chromatography technique separation is based on molecular size and shape
  • Ion exchange
  • gel permeation
  • both
  • none
Answer: B
10.In which of these gas is diamagnetic nature
  • Nitric oxide
  • nitrogen dioxide
  • oxygen
  • hydrogen
Answer: D
11.Another name for liquid/solid chromatography is_________________________
Answer: Adsorption chromatography
12.The equation for molar absorptivity is _________________________________
Answer: ε = A/ct
13.Define retention time in chromatography _________________________________
Answer: The time from the start of the signal detection by the detector to peak height of the elution concentration profile of each different sample.
14.In chromatography partition coefficient is = ____________________________
Answer: Concentration in stationary phase/Concentration in mobile phase
15.The basic elements in any analytical instruments are_______________________
Answer: Chemical information source, transducer, signal conditioning circuit and display system
16.Magnetic wind and magnetic force type analyzers are_____________________
Answer: Oxygen analyzers
17.Thermal conductivity of gas is defined as ______________________________
Answer: Quantity of heat transferred in gas between two surfaces
18.Another name for liquid/liquid chromatography is_______________________
Answer: Partition chromatography
19.Absorbance A= abc, where “c” denotes_______________________________
Answer: Sample concentration
20._________________PH meter is more accurate than detector type PH meter.
Answer: Null detector type PH meters