Analog and Digital IC Applications Mid - I, September - 2014

1.Which pin is used for the output of the OPAMP in μA 741 IC
  • 5
  • 6
  • 2
  • 8
Answer: B
2.The gain of the inverting amplifier is ________
  • R/ R1
  • 1 + Rf / R1
  • -R/ Rf
  • -R/ R1
Answer: D
3.The units for Slew Rate ______________
  • V/S
  • V/μS
  • S/V
  • mV
Answer: B
4.The pulse width of the OPAMP mono stable multi-vibrator is
  • 0.75 RC
  • 0.69 RC
  • 1.1 RC
  • 0.89 RC
Answer: B
5.The oscillating frequency of Wien bridge oscillator is ______________
  • 1/RC
  • 1/πRC
  • 1/2πRC
  • 1/√6πRC
Answer: C
6.Which of the following is are instrumentation amplifier
  • AD620
  • LM337
  • μA741
  • μA723
Answer: A
7.The second pin in 555 timer is _________
  • Discharge
  • Threshold
  • Trigger
  • output
Answer: C
8.How many Pass bands are there in Band pass filter
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 0
Answer: A
9.The VCO is used in ___________
  • PLL
  • Instrumentation Amplifier
  • Multiplier
  • Memory
Answer: A
10.How much of Power Supply is used for 555 timer IC practically
  • 15V
  • 6V
  • 5V
  • 12V
Answer: C
11.The units of the thermal drift with respect to offset voltage is ---------------
Answer: μV/0C
12.Input bias current problem is eliminated by ----------------------
Answer: R Compensation(Rcomp)
13.The ideal value of CMRR is ---------
Answer: (Infinity)
14.The another name of Astable multi-vibrator is ---------------------
Answer: Free Running Oscillator
15.The formula for the gain of Non-Inverting amplifier is ----------------
Answer: 1+ Rf/R1
16.The RC phase shift Oscillator frequency is given by ----------------------
Answer: 1/2π√6RC
17.The PLL IC number is -------------
Answer: IC 565
18.The IC 566 is --------------------------------
Answer: Voltage Controlled Oscillator
19.Formula for CMRR ---------------------
Answer: CMRR = Adm/Acm
20.-------------- IC is mostly used in multi terminal voltage regulator.
Answer: 723