Agricultural Process Engineering Mid - II, November - 2014
1.The threshing cylinder generally used in all crop threshers
Loop type
Angle bar
Rasp bar
Hammer mill
Answer: C
2.Percentage of unthreshed grain from all outlets with respect to total grain is known as
Cleaning efficiency
Threshing efficiency
Cylinder loss
Sieve loss
Answer: C
3.The following vitamin noticed in parboiled rice
Vitamin A
Vitamin B
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Answer: B
4.During conditioning of wheat the temperature should not be raised above
470 C
570 C
670 C
770 C
Answer: A
5.Suitable trough of screw conveyor for cooling or heating during conveyance
U trough
Flared trough
Double U trough
Answer: C
6.Number of reduction rolls used in most of wheat mills
Answer: C
7.Grading of pulses is done by
Flat screens
Drum screens
Reel screens
Draper machine
Answer: C
8.Rate of filtration is directly proportional to
Driving force
Cake thickness
Answer: A
9.Capacities of bucket elevators may vary from
2 – 1000 t/h
3 – 2000 t/h
2 – 3000 t/h
4 – 1000 t/h
Answer: A
10.Material is carried in pipeline either by suction or pressure by air
Belt conveyor
Bucket elevator
Screw conveyor
Pneumatic conveyor
Answer: D
11.In rubber roll Sheller, the difference in peripheral speeds of the rolls develops _______________ force on grain surface.
Answer: Shear force
12.The method of separating grain/seed into 2 or more fractions according to size alone is called ________________.
Answer: Screening
13.Milling of wheat is carried out by a series of break rolls and ____________ rolls.
Answer: Reduction
14.Ability of screen in closely separating the feed into over flow and under flow is called as _____________.
Answer: Effectiveness of screen
15.The type of thresher in which the crop is held against revolving cylinder is __________________.
Answer: Hold on type
16.Scratching of pulses seed coat to facilitate the entry of oil and water in to the grain is called as _____________.
Answer: Pitting
17.Trough angle best suited for conveying paddy by belt conveyor is ___________.
Answer: 200
18.If the direction of suspension flow is normal to the filter surface, the surface filtration process is called ________________.
Answer: Dead end filtration
19.The equipment used for separation of solid particles from air streams ________________.
Answer: Cyclone separator
20.The type of conveyor requires relatively more power and more susceptible to wear is ________________.
Answer: Screw conveyor