Advanced Structural Analysis Mid - II, November - 2014
1.Substitute frame method is used for the analysis of multi-storey frames subjected to .......... loads
both a & b
none of these
Answer: B
2.In Substitute frame method the moment distribution is done for two cycles hence it is called as
two-cycle method
cycle method
force method
displacement method
Answer: A
3.In portal frame method the point of contra flexure occurs at the ........... of all members
fixed end
Answer: D
4.In portal frame method horizontal shear taken by each interior column is .............. of that taken by external column
four times
Answer: B
5.Analysis of frames for lateral forces can be determined by
both portal and cantilever
none of these
Answer: C
6.Finite Element analysis can be performed for
Stress analysis for trusses
Stress analysis for beams
Stress analysis for other simple structure
All of these
Answer: D
7.Design geometry is a lot more complex; and the accuracy requirement is a lot higher in which method
portal method
cantilever method
finite element method
factored method
Answer: C
8.Equation for degree of freedom for single & multi
mx·· px· + kx =c( t)
my·· cx· + pt kx = (0 )
mx·· cx· + pt = k(x )
mx·· cx· + kx =p ( t)
Answer: D
9.The damping ratio for acceleration of any structure can be obtained by
free vibration
forced vibration
none of these
Answer: A
10.When the damping ratio is small, can be approximated as
Answer: A
11.For maximum negative moment at support the loads should be placed ________________ to the supports.
Answer: Adjacent
12.For maximum negative moment at the mid-point of a span, the load should be placed on the spans _________________ to the span under consideration.
Answer: Adjacent
13.The approximate method that is best suitable for buildings having low elevations and uniform loading is ______________________.
Answer: Portal method
14.Code permits ______________ percent increase in stresses when effect of wind or seismic load is taken into account.
Answer: 33.33%
15.The approximate method that is best suitable for tall and slender frames is _______________.
Answer: Cantilever method.
16.The approximate method that is best suitable for columns having different cross-sectional area is ______________
Answer: Cantilever method
17.In portal method, point of contra flexure lies at _______________ of columns and beams.
Answer: Centres
18.The standard form of matrix displacement equation is ________________.
Answer: [k]{Δ}={F}
19.Example for free vibration _________________
Answer: Pendulum bob
20.Finite element analysis is performed for ___________________________ analysis
Answer: Static/ dynamic (linear/ non-linear)