Advanced Structural Analysis Mid - I, September - 2014
1.The moment distribution method was formulated by
Thomas Young
Hardy Cross
Answer: D
2.The stiffness factor at the near end of a member When far end is fixed
3EI / l
4 EI / l
EI / l
Answer: B
3.If KI is the stiffness of the member at a joint the distribution factor for the member is
KI /
Answer: C
4.The moment required to rotate one end of beam by one unit rotation is called
Answer: C
5.Shape factor is the ratio of
Plastic Modulus of section to Elastic Modulus of section
Elastic Modulus of section to Bulk Modulus
Elastic Modulus of section to Plastic Modulus of section
Plastic Modulus of section to Rigidity Modulus
Answer: A
6.A mechanical hinge may be treated as plastic hinge with full plastic moment _______
Equal to unity
equal to zero
less than zero
more than unity
Answer: B
7.Static theorem is known as
Lower bound theorem
upper bound theorem
no bound theorem
boundary layer theorem
Answer: B
8.The shape factor of a circular section is
1ry layer
Answer: B
9.In a portal frame when a vertical point load acts near the right support of the beam then sway occurs towards
up wards
Answer: A
10.The Kani’s method in structural analysis can be treated as
force method
displacement method
flexibility method
rigid method
Answer: B
11.The method of moment distribution in structural Analysis is an _______________________
Answer: Iterative method
12.The ratio of carry over moment to applied moment Is called _____________________
Answer: Carry over factor
13.The collapse load is equal to working load multiplied by _____________________
Answer: Load factor
14.In most of the analytical work it is assumed that all plastic rotations occur at a pointie. The length of the hinge approaches _____________
Answer: zero
15.For a A fixed beam carrying u d l ,over the enter span the collapse load will be __________________
Answer: 6mp / L
16.When the number of unknown reactions exceed the number of conditions of stasitic equilibrium, the system is said to be _______________
Answer: Statically indeterminate
17.The plastic theory is developed based on ____________________ of steel.
Answer: Ductility
18.The strain that occurs after the yield point with no increase in stress is called ____________
Answer: Plastic strain
19.The ultimate load or collapse load is reached when a ____________ is formed
Answer: Mechanism
20.________________ theorem states that for a given structure subject to a set of loads W the value of W found to correspond to any assumed mechanism must be greater or equal to collapse load W ’
Answer: Upper bound