Advanced Foundation Engineering Mid - II, November - 2014

1.Fine grained soils of less than 0.002 mm particles size are classified as
  • Clay
  • Sand
  • Silt
  • Shale
Answer: A
2.The ratio of horizontal stress to the vertical stress is called
  • Coefficient of earth pressure
  • coefficient of active state
  • Coefficient of backfill
  • coefficient of radius
Answer: A
3.In well foundation the longitudinal forces occur due to forces
  • Tractive forces
  • braking forces
  • Tractive & braking forces
  • friction
Answer: C
4.For 5m outer diameter of well thickness of steining should be
  • 0.75m
  • 2.0m
  • 2.5m
  • 1.2m
Answer: D
5.The normal depth of scour in alluvial soils may calculated by lacey’s formula is
  • d = 0.473 (f/q) ½
  • d=0.473 (Q/f) 1/3
  • d=0.473 (f/Q) 1/3
  • d=0.473 (Q/f) 1/5
Answer: B
6.Fixed earth support problem can be solved by using
  • Elastic line method
  • none
  • equivalent beam method
  • both a & c
Answer: D
7.In cantilever sheet piling for cohesive soils the factor of safety is taken between =
  • 1.0 to 2.0
  • 1.0 to 1.5
  • 1.5 to 1.7
  • 1.5 to 2.0
Answer: D
8.Width of base slab of cantilever retaining wall approximately is
  • 0.5H-0.7H
  • 0.3H – 1.0H
  • 0.7H – 1.0H
  • 1.0H – 1.5H
Answer: A
9.The state of shear failure accompanying a minimum earth pressure is called the
  • At rest state
  • Active state
  • Passive state
  • None
Answer: B
10.Toe settlements are produced by
  • Loads
  • surcharge
  • lateral earth pressure
  • none
Answer: C
11.The length of the pile may vary from m in deep deposit of block cotton soils.
Answer: 3.5m to 4.0m
12.Backfill lying above a horizontal plane at the elevation of the top of a wall is called ____________.
Answer: Surcharge
13.In traditional Indian practice the minimum depth of foundation is taken as _________ and the safe bearing capacity for design is taken as _____________
Answer: 2m, 50 to 75 K /m2
14.Open caissons are also known as
Answer: Wells
15.If the actual water way (L) is less than the regime width, the actual scour depth (d’)
Answer: d'=d(W/L)0.61
16.The adequate embedded length of well called lies below the lowest scour level.
Answer: Grip length
17.A sandy loam backfill has cohesion of 14 KN/m², friction angle of 18° and unit weight of 16.5 KN/m³. Then the depth of tension crack is _________________
Answer: 2.33m
18.Anchored sheet pile below fixidity point remains
Answer: Straight
19.Weep holes are provided in retaining walls for _______________________
Answer: To provide drainage of back fill
20.Counter fort reduces at junction of base slab and stem.
Answer: Shear force and bending moment