The major features added in C# in each release
C# 2.0:
- Generics (.NET Framework support was added, and C# benefited from this)
- Partial Types
- Iterator pattern (the yield keyword)
- Anonymous methods (the delegate keyword)
- Nullable types
- Coalescing operator (??)
- Getter/setter separate accessiblity
- Method group conversions(delegates)
- Co- and Contra-variance for delegates
- Static classes
C# 3.0
- Object initializers
- Collection initializers
- Implicitly typed local variables (var keyword)
- Anonymous types
- Extension methods
- Query expressions
- Lambda expressions (=>)
- Expression trees
- Partial methods
C# 4.0
- Optional Parameters and Named Arguments
- Dynamic binding(dynamic type)
- Improved COM-Interop
- Generic co- and contravariance
C# 5.0
- Asynchronous methods
- Caller info attributes
- Compiler-as-a-service
C# 6.0
- Import of static type members into namespace
- Exception filters
- Await in catch/finally blocks
- Auto property initializers
- Default values for getter-only properties
- Expression-bodied members
- Null propagator (Succinct null checking)
- String Interpolation
- nameof operator
- Parameterless struct constructors
- Dictionary initializer
C# 7.0 (Proposals)
- Declaration expressions
- Parameter arrays for IEnumerable interfaces
CreatedMar 19, 2015
UpdatedNov 03, 2020